Python Development Workflow

This page is intended to get you up and running so that you can develop for NWX from Python. These instructions walk you through getting to a point where you can do import nwchemex in Python.


At some point it will probably make sense to combine at least some of these instructions with the build instructions in the NWChemEx repo.

Step 0: Preliminaries

The Python workflow builds off of the Preliminaries setup.

Step 1: Python Setup

When doing Python development it’s always a good idea to do so in a virtual environment. Assuming you completed the preliminary step, run these commands in the NWChemEx workspace directory you created:

python3 -m venv <virtual_environment_name>
source <virtual_environment_name>/bin/activate
pip install cppyy

<virtual_environment_name> should be replaced with whatever you want to call the virtual environment. The last line installs Cppyy which is needed for generating the Python bindings for NWChemEx. It is worth noting that you may want to respectively set the environment variables CC and CXX to the full paths of your C and C++ compilers before running pip install cppyy to help ensure that Cppyy is built with the correct compiler.


There is a known issue with Cppyy, NWChemEx, and GCC 9. It is thus strongly recommended you use GCC 11 (or newer).

Unfortunately, by default the Python detection in NWChemEx will not find the virtual environment Python interpreter by default. To get around this you can add:

set(Python3_EXECUTABLE <path_to_your_virtual_environment>/bin/python3)

to your toolchain (obviously substituting the actual path). This is a known issue.

Step 2: Build NWChemEx

Instructions for building NWChemEx can be found here.

For the sake of this tutorial we’ll assume that ${BUILD_DIR} is the build directory where NWChemEx was built.

Step 3: Python Path

After Step 2, the NWChemEx Python modules will reside at ${BUILD_DIR}/Python so assuming you have a Python script which contains:

import nwchemex as nwx

# Do stuff with nwx

You’ll have to run like:

PYTHONPATH=${BUILD_DIR}/Python python3

(or similarly correctly set up the Python path).

At this point you should now have access to all of NWChemEx from Python.