File Structure for NWChemEx Repositories

To the extent possible, we want all NWChemEx repositories to follow the same file structure. Since each repo in the organization is ultimately different, it will in general not be possible for every repo to be laid out exactly the same; however, we strive to only deviate from the standard layout when absolutely necessary.

Why Do We Need to Standardize the Repository Layouts?

Admittedly, the repository layout adopted by all repositories in the NWChemEx organization was chosen based on personal preference of the lead developers. However, now that a standard has been agreed upon it is important that we adhere to it. In particular, by standardizing the file layout of each repo we are able to facilitate:

  • Confidence. Well laid out repositories instill a more professional impression on anyone viewing the repository’s files.

  • Finding files. Users/developers familiar with the layout of one NWChemEx repository can quickly and easily find files in another.

  • Automation. If all the repositories are laid out the same it is much easier for CI/CD to maintain them.

  • On-boarding new developers. Where possible our layouts adhere to wider file system standards, standards which are familiar to many developers outside the NWChemEx organization. By adhering to such standard we lower the barrier to entry for new developers.

Files and Directories

In this section we provide a top-down tour of a typical NWChemEx repository’s file structure.

Root Level


Fig. 7 How most (although ideally it should be all) repositories in the NWChemEx- Project organization look at the root level.

At the root level, most (although it should ideally be all) repositories in the NWChemEx organization conform to the layout shown in Fig. 7. As a quick internet search will show (see for example here) this layout is fairly standard, albeit universal. We note that using our layout, the only files residing at the root-level of the repository are there either because they must live at the root-level (e.g., .clang-format), or are present at the root-level to emphasize they apply repository wide (e.g., LICENSE).


A notable (well explained) argument against our chosen layout can be found here.

.github Directory


Fig. 8 Basic structure of the root/.github/ directory in most NWChemEx repositories.

Fig. 8 shows the layout of the .github/ directory in nearly every repository owned by the NWChemEx organization. The layout and naming conventions are dictated by GitHub and are thus commonly found in most GitHub projects.

docs/ Directory


Fig. 9 Basic structure of the root/docs/ directory in most NWChemEx repositories.

The set-up of the directory is driven by Sphinx, which by default assumes all documentation source lives in root/docs/source/, the configuration file for Sphinx resides at root/docs/source/, and automatically creates the root/docs/Makefile file to facilitate building the documentation. The remaining files, root/docs/requirements.txt and root/docs/ are to respectively facilitate obtaining the dependencies of the documentation and to instruct the reader on how to build the documentation.