Writing Integration Tests for NWChemEx

NWChemEx is a modular ecosystem designed with separation of concerns as a key design point. An example of this separation can be found with the SCF, integrals, ChemCache libraries. These components of NWX are linked by SimDE and are intended to be used together, but are not explicitly required for the development of the other (see Fig. 53). The unit tests for these libraries are intended to ensure basic functionality and correctness, which can usually be accomplished with simple test data that allow the unit tests to run quickly.


Fig. 53 A simplified diagram of the NWChemEx dependency structure. Note that plugins depending on SimDE are parallel to one another, and are integrated together within NWChemEx. Arrows point from a dependency to the dependent library.

With that said, the initial development and testing of the SCF becomes very awkward when one is unable to easily acquire real integrals for real molecular systems. Additionally, changes to the integrals code could have deleterious effects on the SCF code, which we would like to detect before merging. For these (and other) reasons, it can be useful to implement integration tests to ensure the continued interoperability of the isolated components of the NWX stack. Because the tests are built on top of the plugins, it is simple to include NWChemEx itself as a dependency of the test (see Fig. 54). This way, changes at the plugin level can be screened to guarantee that they don’t break interoperability with the others.


Fig. 54 A diagram illustrating the relationship between the integration tests, the library they test, and the top-level NWChemEx library. Arrows point from a dependency to the dependent library.

CMake for Integration Testing

The following code-block provides an example for how one can add the option for an integration test to a project that uses the NWX ecosystem.

# Include option
    BUILD_INTEGRATION_TESTS ON "Build the integration tests?"

# How to build the integration tests
    # Set relevant test directories
    set(CXX_INCLUDE_DIR /path/to/cxx/includes)
    set(CXX_TEST_DIR /path/to/cxx/integration/tests)
    set(PYTHON_TEST_DIR /path/to/python/integration/tests)

    # Build NWChemEx for the test
        URL github.com/NWChemEx/NWChemEx
        VERSION master
        BUILD_TARGET nwchemex
        FIND_TARGET nwx::nwchemex

    # Add integration tests
        SUBMODULES parallelzone pluginplay chemist simde chemcache friendzone nwchemex

Integration Tests

Building on the description provided in Writing Unit Tests for NWChemEx, integration tests are written in the same manner. Below is an example of how to use NWChemEx in our new integration test to acquire input values and submodules that may be needed by a module in our project.

import unittest
import nwchemex
import scf
from pluginplay import ModuleManager
from simde import AOEnergy
from simde import MoleculeFromString
from simde import MolecularBasisSet

class TestIntegration(unittest.TestCase):

    def test_scf_module(self):
        # Module we want to test
        key = "SCF Module"

        # Property Types from SimDE
        molecule_pt = MoleculeFromString()
        basis_set_pt = MolecularBasisSet()
        energy_pt = AOEnergy()

        # Can use NWChemEx modules to get inputs
        mol = self.mm.run_as(molecule_pt, "NWX Molecules", "water")
        bs = self.mm.run_as(basis_set_pt, "sto-3g", mol)

        # set NWChemEx modules as needed submodules
        submod_key = "A submodule of my SCF module"
        integral_key = "Some integral needed to run SCF"
        mm.change_submod(key, submod_key, integral_key)

        # Test our module
        egy = self.mm.run_as(energy_pt, key, mol, bs)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(egy, 3.14159265359, places=6)

    def test_another_module(self):
        # Add more tests where appropriate

    def setUp(self):
        self.mm = ModuleManager()
        nwchemex.load_modules(mm) # Also loads out SCF modules