.. Copyright 2022 NWChemEx-Project .. .. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); .. you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. .. You may obtain a copy of the License at .. .. http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .. .. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software .. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, .. WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. .. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and .. limitations under the License. .. pp_alternatives: ####################### PluginPlay Alternatives ####################### .. warning:: The developers of PluginPlay have limited to no experience actually using many of the packages in this section. Notes and impressions stem from perusing documentation and source code and may not actually reflect the true state of the packages. .. note:: Packages are listed in alphabetical order. Hence the order is not meant to imply importance or temporal ordering. Based on the distilled considerations from :ref:`pp_statement_of_need` we have considered a number of existing C++ frameworks. Admittedly the search space of existing frameworks is very large and we have limited our search to frameworks which do not assume networking. This is because most networking applications assume a large communication latency between components, whereas we are interested in frameworks where component communication latency is on the order of a function call. We also have not considered entity-component frameworks; these frameworks typically target game design where components are instance-like. ******************************* Inversion of Control Frameworks ******************************* Frameworks satisfying our distilled considerations tend to rely on inversion of control (IoC) and dependency injection. We are aware of the following C++ IoC frameworks. *N.B.* that all of these frameworks are now abandoned. Autowiring ========== - `GitHub `__ - Last updated 2018 - 68 watchers and 145 stars Autowiring :cite:`autowiring` composes a dynamic call graph in terms of ``Context`` objects. Beyond this the documentation is a bit sparse and hard to follow, but it appears that users write ``AutoFilter`` instances to define type-safe APIs for interacting with the ``Context`` objects. The project appears to now be abandoned. ioc === - `GitHub `__ - Last commit 2017 - 2 watchers and 2 stars. ioc :cite:`ioc` was intended to be a header-only framework for writing C++ applications using the inversion of control design pattern. The project looks like it was abandoned just after getting started. ioc-cpp ======= - `GitHub `__ - Last commit 2014 - 2 watchers and 0 stars ioc-cpp :cite:`ioc_cpp` provides an inversion of control/dependency injection container. In lieu of documentation a simple example is provided. Based on the example it seems that users register parent-child relationships with the framework. Later when the user wants an object derived from the child class, the user gets it from the framework. While ioc-cpp does indeed have the potential to be used as part of an inversion of control framework, it appears to be lacking many features a full featured framework would need (such as the ability to modify what dependency is injected). Development seems to have stopped in 2014 and the project is now abandoned. Pococapsule =========== - `Google Code `__ - `GitHub `__ - GitHub last updated 2008 - 1 watcher and 0 stars Pococapsule :cite:`pococapsule` appears to have originally been developed at Google Code and then transitioned to GitHub. Based on the Google Code repo's description, Pococapsule defines an inversion-of-control container that supports dependency injection. A "dynamic proxy engine" is used for type-safe invocations of the containers and "dynamic wiring" is used to connect the containers. Documentation is lacking and ultimately development never seemed to take off at GitHub, which would make resurrecting this project very difficult. ************************************************** Computational Chemistry Component-Based Frameworks ************************************************** PluginPlay was motivated by the needs of NWChemEx, which is a scientific research software package targeting electronic structure theory. As such, one could reasonably argue that we need not code up a general component-based solution, if a domain-specific solution exists and works. Point being, we'd be remiss if we didn't also mention the work aimed at designing computational chemistry specific solutions for modular software. .. note:: Historically computational chemists have been very loose with their software terminology. So while many packages boast a modular design, a lot of times this modularity amounts to the fact that the code uses functions and/or libraries. For our purposes, we consider something modular if it can reasonably stand alone. Notably we do not require interoperability in order for something to be modular. Atomic Simulation Environment (ASE) =================================== - `GitLab `__ - Active development - 342 stars ASE :cite:`ase` is designed with the goal of being a unified framework for setting up, steering, and analyzing atomistic simulations. ASE provides a number of modules, which serve as hooks where external components can be hooked in. For example the ``calculator`` module defines the API for computing energies and forces on a molecule. ASE notably also allows users to write observers, which are called at pre-defined points in the module's execution, thus facilitating even more extension points. ASE is ultimately targeted at driving other computational chemistry packages. From the perspective of developing a computational chemistry package, ASE is thus a workflow tool. The hooks ASE provides are too high-level for our purposes and ASE does not seem to provide any mechanism for adding more hooks. Common Component Architecture (CCA) =================================== The CCA :cite:`cca` was one of the first attempts at designing a component-based framework for writing modular scientific software. Components had standardized APIs and relatively specific tasks (e.g., compute integrals, or diagonalize a matrix). Notably, CCA did not only target computational chemistry (although it had a computational chemistry sub-community). Ultimately, the CCA was abandoned because it was too cumbersome for developers. Massively Parallel Quantum Chemistry (MPQC) =========================================== - `GitHub `__ - Active development (although most occurs in a private fork) - 27 watchers and 56 stars Already in MPQC's original design :cite:`mpqc` you could see how MPQC could be used as a modular framework for quantum chemistry. More specifically, the class hierarchy took care to define abstract APIs for most algorithms, derived classes implemented the algorithms; hence the base classes provided hooks for extending the functionality in an encapsulated manner. MPQC's modern state :cite:`mpqc4` includes support for plugin-based development. Developers wanting to use this feature compile MPQC as a library, extend an MPQC class in their plugin, and link MPQC and their plugin to the driver. At present there does not seem to be support for dynamically discovering plugins, nor is there a way to extend the set of hooks without modifying MPQC. MolSSI Driver Interface (MDI) Library ===================================== - `GitHub `__ - Active development - 4 watchers and 21 stars MDI :cite:`mdi` provides a standardized interface for communicating between computational chemistry programs in order to simplify developing workflows that work across codes. MDI terms the individual packages "engines". Each engine exposes a series of commands and drivers are written in terms of these commands. MDI seems to have substantial scope overlap with QCArchive (specifically QCEngine and QCFractal). The main distinction seems to be that MDI is written in C++ and is more focused on performance than QCArchive. MDI is focused on high-level communication between components. MDI also does not appear to provide a mechanism for adding new interfaces (at least without contacting the developers). The interface aspects are heavily tied to computational chemistry. Psi4 ==== - `Github `__ - Active development - 61 watchers and 754 stars .. note:: I'm not sure what the official capitalization of Psi3/Psi4 is. It seems to be listed as Psi3/Psi4 in some places, *e.g.*, :cite:t:`psi4_11` (*N.B.* that small caps would have all letters the same size if they were all the same case) and PSI3/PSI4 in others, *e.g.*, :cite:t:`psi4_14`. Psi3 :cite:`psi3`, contained a number of individual programs (termed modules), each designed to perform a common task. These modules used disk to communicate and a driver program to wire them together. This architecture made it difficult to transition to high-performance computing, and was the motivation for the Psi4 :cite:`psi4` rewrite. In it's initial incarnation, Psi4 was a single executable with a Python front-end. From the initial publication :cite:`psi4` it is not clear what plugin/module features it had, but as of the 1.1 release of Psi4 :cite:`psi4_11`, Psi4's ability to support plugins and external projects had been noted. As of the 1.1. version of Psi4, Psi4's modular capabilities were relatively limited. In particular, Psi4 version 1.1. allowed users to write modules that satisfied one of a small set of high-level APIs (e.g. the ability to compute an energy). While :cite:t:`psi4_11` lists a number of external projects which interface with Psi4, most of these projects are better categorized as optional dependencies because they interface through dependency-specific channels (as opposed to more general APIs meant for extending Psi4). As of version 1.4 :cite:`psi4_14`, modularity of Psi4 relies on QCArchive and thus Psi4's module capabilities are tied to the QCArchive project. Pulsar Computational Chemistry Framework ======================================== - `GitHub `__. - Last updated 2017 Pulsar is a now abandoned project, co-created by some of the authors of PluginPlay. Many of the ideas from Pulsar live on in PluginPlay (and the rest of the NWChemEx stack). It is primarily listed here for completeness, *i.e.*, in case someone later reads this page and says "I found this Pulsar project that PluginPlay seems to have ripped off." Well now you know we did rip it off, but then again we wrote it so... PyADF ===== - `GitHub `__ - Active development - 1 watcher and 5 stars .. note:: I am unsure of the preferred capitalization of PyADF. The GitHub page uses CamelCase, but :cite:t:`pyadf` uses all caps. .. note:: It is not clear that the GitHub link listed here PyADF :cite:`pyadf` started as a Python front-end to the ADF package; however, PyADF is not explicitly tied to ADF and :cite:t:`pyadf` state that PyADF supports a number of backends: ADF, Dalton, Dirac, and NWChem. PyADF seems to recognize: input generation, program execution, error handling, data extraction, and post-processing as the customization points of its workflow tool. Ultimately the aforementioned GitHub repo seems pretty bare bones, and appears to be lacking documentation (although the presence of a ``doc/`` directory suggests that documentation exists somewhere, although it may just be doc strings). Based on the above description, it seems that the intent is for PyADF to be a driver/workflow tool more than a full-fledged component framework. Furthermore, the use of the GPL license makes using PyADF in another non-GPL project problematic. Python Materials Genomics (pymatgen) ==================================== - `GitHub `__ - Active development - 113 watchers and 1K stars pymatgen :cite:`pymatgen` is a Python package aimed at materials analysis. It aids in setting up calculations and analyzing the results. pymatgen allows users to extend the pymatgen framework by adding new analyses, high-level API to external resources (*e.g.*, databases), or support for I/O to/from another code. From the perspective of developing an electronic structure package, pymatgen's components are too high-level and pymatgen is therefore a workflow tool. There also does not appear to be a way to add new interfaces, although this may not be as much of a problem with pymatgen since the existing interfaces seem quite generic. PySCF ===== - `GitHub `__ - Active development - 75 watchers and 826 stars PySCF :cite:`pyscf` is one of the few electronic structure packages to be written almost entirely in Python. Compared to compiled packages, this makes it remarkably easier to "hack" PySCF to do what you want. Nonetheless, PySCF does include some features to facilitate modular extensions. First is the custom Hamiltonian feature which allows the user, at runtime, to switch out the Hamiltonian used by PySCF. The next is the streaming/functional nature of PySCF. To over simplify, PySCF works by having each feature take in an initial state, mutate the state, and then return the mutated state. Thus by nesting function calls an entire series of features can be applied to an initial input. Users are free to write their own functions compatible with this API and to inject them into the nesting. PySCF's component framework seems to primarily be targeted at high-level electronic structure operations. This means it's easy to to modify and add components when they deal with inputs/outputs close to the user. As far as we can tell, there are no hooks beyond the custom Hamiltonian and the streaming syntax, nor is there a way to add more hooks without modifying PySCF. Furthermore, both extension locations are very chemistry-based making it hard to, for example, change the numeric linear algebra used under the hood. QCArchive ========= - `QCEngine on GitHub `__ - `QCFractal on GitHub `__ QCArchive :cite:`qcarchive` is a MolSSI-sponsored project comprised of several interconnected pieces which aims to establish infrastructure for automatically computing quantum chemistry results and making them available to the broader community. The projects really constituting the guts of the QCArchive framework are QCEngine and QCFractal. QCEngine is designed to wrap the process of calling arbitrary quantum chemistry software packages (or any other package which takes chemistry-like input). It does so either directly through Python or by using I/O adhering to the QCSChema standard. QCFractal is somewhat less clear cut than QCEngine, but handles a number of tasks including distributed runs of QCEngine, running workflow services, and creating databases of results. Quantum Chemistry Automation and Structure Manipulation (QChASM) ================================================================ - `GitHub `__ - Active development QChASM :cite:`qchasm` is a collection of tools for building and manipulating complicated molecular structures and automating quantum chemistry applications. QChASM is specifically targeted at finding transition state structures, but also includes a number of general utilities for interacting with electronic structure packages (:cite:t:`qchasm` states support for Gaussian, ORCA, and Psi4), primarily through file parsing. QChASM has the ability to launch jobs from the inputs. QChASM's focus on driving chemistry programs makes it too high-level for our needs. It also seems to have limited hooks where components can be added. Finally, there does not seem to be any route to extend the framework without modifying it. ******* Summary ******* In our opinion the highly multi-disciplinary nature of computational chemistry means that we need the ability to leverage developments and libraries from not just within computational chemistry, but from other scientific fields as well. The fact that all existing computational chemistry frameworks assume the domain of chemistry, coupled with the fact these frameworks seem more interested with stringing chemistry packages together than offering a generic framework for writing a package makes them all unsuitable to our needs. With respect to the more generic existing C++ plugin frameworks we were unable to find any frameworks which are still supported. We speculate that the lack of interest in developing generic C++ frameworks for inversion of control comes down to: - Most developers are now writing apps/microservices for already established frameworks, e.g., Android and iOS. - Prevalence of Python/Java. Outside scientific software interest in C++ seems to be waning. - Within high-performance computing (HPC), where C++ is still rampant, there seems to be a focus on writing HPC-capable modules, but little to no attention on how to combine them. Anyways, long story short, we were unable to find a framework which does what we want, so we wrote PluginPlay.