.. Copyright 2022 NWChemEx-Project .. .. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); .. you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. .. You may obtain a copy of the License at .. .. http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .. .. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software .. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, .. WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. .. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and .. limitations under the License. .. _developing_scientific_software: ############################## Developing Scientific Software ############################## .. warning:: The authors of this section are primarily developers of electronic structure software. The views and anecdotal evidence throughout this section draw heavily from this experience. While we believe this page reflects scientific software as a whole, the reader should bear this warning in mind. Starting in the 2010s there have been a number of efforts to improve the state of scientific software including: - Better Scientific Software (BSSw) :cite:`bssw` - The German Society for Research Software Engineers (deRSE) :cite:`derse` - The Molecular Sciences Software Institute (MolSSI) :cite:`molssi` - The Nordic Research Software Engineers Association :cite:`nrse` - Research Software Alliance (ReSA) :cite:`resa` - The RSE Association of Australia and New Zealand :cite:`rsaau` - The Society of Research Software Engineering :cite:`rse` - Software Engineering for Science (SE4Science) :cite:`se4science` - The Software Sustainability Institute (SSI) :cite:`ssi` - The United States Research Software Engineer Association (US-RSE) :cite:`usrse` - Working Towards Sustainable Software for Science: Practice and Experiences :cite:`wssspe` These are only some of the more general efforts, within specific domains there are even more. The point is so many efforts exist because there is a need to address deep-seated problems with how scientific software has historically been developed. So let's look at the typical scientific software package circa 2000. ****************************** Scientific Software Circa 2000 ****************************** Many legacy scientific software packages grew organically with little to no design. In many cases new packages sprung up because existing packages did not fill a need, or because the existing packages had differing philosophies, *e.g.*, open vs. closed source, functional vs. object-oriented. While legacy packages may have had different origin stories, the lack of design, particularly with respect to interoperability, means that when a feature of another package was needed it was often easier to re-implement the feature than to interface to the other package. Hence over the years, each package's feature set tended to converge to a set of standard algorithms. Each of these algorithms has now been implemented a number of times, resulting in a substantial amount of duplicated work. At the same time few, if any, of these redundant implementations have been developed in a modular fashion, in turn perpetuating the cycle :cite:`krylov18`. After years (decades in many cases) of the above cycle, the average legacy package contains: - **Millions of lines of code**. Often this code base is poorly documented, lacks consistent formatting, has widely varying quality, has poor test coverage, and involves multiple coding languages. - **Hundreds of features**. Many of these features are loosely integrated silos, meaning there are only a handful of developers who know how a feature works and these features are only integrated with some of the package's other features, *e.g.*, a new optimization routine may only be accessible from the algorithm it was written to support. - **Monolithic code base**. Somewhat ironically, even though features are loosely integrated with one another, each feature tends to be tightly coupled to the code base, *e.g.*, works by assuming existing quirks of other code, relies on a particular global state existing. In turn, even if the code base is comprised of libraries and/or components, these components rarely function without the rest of the code. - **Insurmountable technical debt**. A "just get something working" mentality has been used for much of the software's lifetime. Each invocation of this mentality has added more tech debt. Unfortunately, tech debt tends to compound exponentially. While modularity is not a silver bullet, many developers acknowledge that if legacy software had been designed and written in a more modular manner current development efforts would be easier. At this point adopting a more modular design requires repaying too much technical debt for it to be practical and many legacy packages are left with two choices: start from scratch, or continue to push the current development model to its breaking point. To be fair there are a lot of other factors which shaped how legacy software came to be: - **Poor attribution**. Historically publications are the currency of academia and publishing software developments has been difficult. When software does get published it's often for a release and the resulting paper has hundreds of authors. This provides little incentive for a developer to do more than the bare minimum. - **Funding agency expectations**. Decades of delivering software in a "just get something working" state (and often overselling how primetime ready it really is) has resulted in funding agencies expecting software on unrealistic timelines. - **Lack of formal training**. Most scientific software is written by scientific domain experts who have little to no formal computer engineering skills. Historically this means that there has been a large amount of ignorance regarding best practices. - **Not invented here syndrome**. It's embarrassing to admit, but in scientific software development there tends to be a heavy bias against using software developed externally to the team. Part of this is because such software is often used in a "black-box" manner, which can be off putting to scientists who want to understand how everything work. Another part of this is a belief that other developers produce inferior products. - **Research is not industry**. There is a prevalent belief throughout academia that developing research software needs to play by different rules than industrial software development. In many cases this belief stems from the fact that academics often occupy many roles other than software engineer, notably they are also often users of the software. By contrast, most software engineers in industry spend the majority of their time writing software. To summarize, while legacy software represents a substantial investment in terms of time and money, in many cases existing legacy packages are unsustainable. The number of organizations dedicated to developing better research software is a direct result of not wanting to repeat the same mistakes moving forward. .. _what_sets_scientific_software_apart: ************************************ What Sets Scientific Software Apart? ************************************ As suggested by the intro to to this page, there is an increasing interest in developing better more sustainable scientific software. If we are to capitalize on these efforts we need to understand what makes developing scientific software challenging, and how to avoid repeating the problems of legacy software. With regards to why scientific software is unique: #. Performance - Scientific software is among the most computationally expensive software in the world. The high computational complexity of many algorithms means that even a small degradation in performance can result in a simulation becoming intractable. - Often requires high-performance computing - Performance is heavily tied to hardware; as hardware evolves so will the scientific software. #. Scientific motivation - Software is typically seen as a means to an end and is usually developed by the scientists themselves. - Benefit to cost ratio of dependencies must be large, i.e., dependencies are usually only considered if they save a lot of time, or are very performant. In addition, the scientists need to have some level of assurance that the dependency will continue to be supported in the future. - Most scientists prefer to do as little software development as possible. #. Dynamic nature of scientific research - Scientific research is by its nature highly uncertain. Promising avenues may not pan out. Funding sources dry up. New hot topics emerge. - Workflows vary widely among researchers. - Users may come up with use cases beyond the scope of the original software. - Research leads to new quantities of interest, and software needs to be extensible to support these new properties. - New algorithms for computing a property emerge. The software architecture needs to be able to use these algorithms throughout the code. #. Complex nature of scientific research - Scientific simulations of real world phenomenon have many pieces. - Science domains are often hard to grasp for non-experts. - Current scientific research projects are often multi-disciplinary. #. Need for rapid prototyping - Design space for most scientific algorithms is huge. Need to be able to quickly scan this space. - Python is at present the *de facto* language of choice for rapid prototyping. #. Decentralized scientific software development - Developers are typically spread out across the world, making synchronization difficult. - The scientific software community encapsulates an entire range of software engineering capabilities. Therefore, the quality of contributions and software products can vary widely. - There is a need to protect unpublished research to ensure publication rights. Decentralized development allows you to keep your unpublished research separate. Many of the above considerations can be handled by ensuring a modular code base. When done well, modularity leads to encapsulation and a separation of concerns. This in turn makes it easier to refactor code for performance, add support for new theories, work on a feature without affecting other researchers, and reuse contributions from other groups.