- The need for a utility manager
Throughout the GUI it is essential to keep track of added class types, adding new class types, and browsing files. The UtilityManager class handles this to allow for helper functions needed throughout the application.
Browsing files
Browsing files in kivy can be done by clicking the browse button to run the browse function and open a popup to view your system’s files. The browse function reads text input from an entry and interprets it as a potential path to browse to in the system. Using a ScrollView widget, a user can navigate through their system and select a filepath of their plugin they would like to import.
- Viewing class types
To add an input or property type to a module’s run settings, a user may need to declare a special variable type, evaluating their statement with an extra list of imported classes is necessary to allow for a more complex module run. Viewing imported class types within the view_config and add_input widget runs the class_types function, opening a popup to view a list of imported class types and a button to import a new type.
- Importing a new class type
Directed from the class_types popup, you can enter a python partial import statement defining the library to import from as well as the type name. Clicking the Import button, the new_type function runs importlib to import the new class type into the system’s main modules which is used in evaluating import and property type statements. If a module is unable to be imported, a message is displayed and the system’s modules are not modified.
Helper class for the PluginPlayer application to browse files, view class types, and import new class types. |
Module Contents
- class pluginplayer.utility_manager.UtilityManager(plugin_player)
Helper class for the PluginPlayer application to browse files, view class types, and import new class types.
- plugin_player
- imported_classes = []
- custom_declaration_widget = None
- browse(instance)
Browse for a new file from the file system and place in entry box
- Parameters:
instance (kivy.uix.button) – The button to browse for files
- class_types()
Show a popup to see all class types imported
- new_type(instance)
Defines a new class type for custom inputs and property types
- Parameters:
instance (kivy.uix.button) – The button to submit a new type