Sparsifying a Tensor

This page details the algorithms used to create a tensor-of-tensors from a SparseMap and a tensor.

Things to note

We are creating an object, t of type DistArray<Tensor<Tensor<T>>> from an object T of type DistArray<Tensor<T>>. Since the tiles are not the same type we are going to have to copy data. At best we are going to be able to copy full tiles of T into t at worst we are going to be copying pieces of tiles from T into t. To my knowledge there is no way to alias the full tiles and the copy must occur. For this reason the main kernel assumes a SparseMap<ElementIndex, ElementIndex> instance is provided as this affords us the most flexibility in defining tiles. Specialized kernels may be added at a later point for other types of SparseMap instances.


Assume we are given a SparseMap instance, sm and a tensor T. Our present goal is to create a tensor-of-tensors (ToT), t, out of T. The outer rank of t is given by sm.ind_rank() and the inner rank of t is given by sm.dep_rank().

We start by assuming sm is a SparseMap<ElementIndex, ElementIndex> instance. Conversions exist to SparseMap<ElementIndex, ElementIndex> for all other specializations of the SparseMap class. There are now two scenarios:

  1. sm.dep_rank() equals the rank of T, or

  2. sm.dep_rank() is less than the rank of T

In the former scenario we assume that the dependent indices are valid tile indices for T. To be more concrete, we assume that given the dependent index {0, 1} we take this to mean that the user wants us to retrieve element {0, 1} of T as opposed to say {1, 0}`, i.e., no offsets or permutations are required to convert an index in the domain to an index in T. In the second scenario we assume that by injecting one or more independent index modes into the dependent indices we get a valid index for T. In other words we assume that the elements of the Domain are indices of reduced rank slices of T. Slices of the same rank as T are formed by inserting one (or more) of the modes of the independent mode into the dependent indices. These two scenarios are unified by realizing the first results from the second if we have no injections. Thus as long as we code up the second scenario in such a manner that it works with no injections we cover both scenarios.

make_tot_tile_ Algorithm

The guts of the from_sparse_tensor function are contained in make_tot_tile_. make_tot_tile_ is more-or-less a lambda which will be passed to TA::make_array to form the tensor-of-tensors. make_tot_tile_ works by:

  • Given:

    • the outer tile to fill, tile,

    • the SparseMap from independent element indices to dependent element indices, sm,

    • the tensor to sparsify T, and

    • an std::map, ind2mode, such that ind2mode[i] is the mode of T that the i-th mode of the independent indices in sm maps to.

  • Loop over outer element indices in tile, oeidx

    • If domain associated with oedix is empty move on

    • Otherwise:

      1. Allocate inner tile, buffer

      2. Create Domain with indices of oeidx injected, injected_d

      3. Create Domain with tiles of injected_d, tdomain

      4. Loop over tiles in tdomain, itidx

        1. Get the tile from T, t

        2. Loop over elements in injected_d, ieidx

          • Add t[ieidx] to buffer

      5. Set tile[oeidx] to buffer

  • Return tile