
The C++ standard library as well as the STL are great for providing many of the features one needs to write a code. However, they leave much to be desired. This library is intended to be our “Boost” in that it’s a series of extensions to the standard libraries for functionality we commonly want.

At the moment this functionality can be expressed as falling into one of three sub libraries:

  • IterTools: Classes designed to make iteration easier. This includes base classes for writing your own iterators as well as classes for iterating over common situations such as:

    • All permutations of a sequence

    • All combinations of a sequence

  • Mathematician: Math functionality beyond that of the STL including:

    • Binomial coefficients

    • Multinomial coefficients

  • TypeTraits: Structs to make meta-template programming easier

    • Extended type intraspection (i.e. determining if a type has a member)