This subsection covers frequently asked questions regarding VSCode and developing NWX with VSCode.

How do I change the editor font size?

In settings search “editor.fontSize”. Change the field to your preferred font size.

How do I get a ruler to signify the 80 character limit?

In settings search “editor.rulers”. Click on the “edit in settings.json” link. In the settings.json file add “80” to the settings file that gets opened.

How do I get the reST extension to use a virtual environment?

Assuming you have created a virtual environment venv and installed all of your reST/Sphinx dependencies in to it. Start by using ctrl+shift+p to bring up the command palette. Then select Python: Select Interpreter. Navigate to venv/bin/python3. Now the reST extension should use the virtual environment venv for rendering your documentation preview.

How do I get the debugger to set breakpoints per file and not per filename?

By default VSCode assumes that when you set a breakpoint in a file x.cpp you want that breakpoint to be set in src/x.cpp and in tests/x.cpp; you probably don’t. To fix this add to the launch.json file for your debugging session:

"sourceFileMap": {
  "${workspaceFolder}": {
    "editorPath": "${workspaceFolder}",
    "useForBreakpoints": "true"

How do I get the debugger to break on a throw?

Add the following to the "setupCommands" block of your launch.json file:

"description": "Enable break on all exceptions",
"text": "catch throw",
"ignoreFailures": true