User Interface Design

This document outlines the design principles and guidelines for the user interface (UI) of NWChemEx. Our main goal is to provide a user-friendly and intuitive interface that enables users to carry out a variety of quantum chemistry calculations seamlessly. Please note that a graphical user interface (GUI) is not part of the current UI design. Other possible UI elements that are not part of the current design are noted here Not In Scope.

Design Principles


While NWChemEx is mainly written in C++ for performance, the UI is designed for and implemented in Python, which is arguably one of the most intuitive and widely-used programming languages in scientific computing. This removes the burden from our users to learn a special syntax, a new domain specific language, or dealing with customized parsers for extracting data. Moreover, Python’s extensive ecosystem and user-friendly syntax allow for quicker prototyping and easier integration with external tools, making it an ideal choice for this interface. Adhering to the Pythonic style of programming is preferred due to its emphasis on code readability and simplicity, as described in the Zen of Python (PEP 20) <>_. A more in depth discussion of the implementation language choices can be found in Why is the NWChemEx API Written in Python?.


Performance is critical for NWChemEx with kernels supporting optimized MPI parallelization and GPU offloading. The UI is designed to uphold this performance standard and to provide the user with critical control elements to achieve high performance. This requires keeping the overhead of UI as minimal as possible by avoiding unnecessary copies or data movements and enabling user to access and modify the MPI communicator and toggle between CPU-based/GPU-offloaded algorithms.

Light weight

Following from performance, the UI should shuttle data into C++ as quickly as possible.For user convenience some conversions may be necessary (e.g., our Molecule class is never going to do string parsing), but the set of such conversions should be minimal, or limited to those supported by some other library (which we agree to take on as a dependency).


We aim to make our UI intuitive and simple particularly for the most common use cases to minimize the learning curve for beginners. The UI is also designed to provide user-friendly error handling, offering clear and actionable feedback when something goes wrong, guiding users to resolve issues effectively.


In some workflows, NWChemEx can be used as a library driven by another code, rather than directly by a user. Therefore, our UI needs to avoid assuming that it is the top layer in order to better integrate into external tools.

The ability to take an MPI communicator is one particularly important UI design element implied by this combined with the performance consideration. Python-based interface is also useful to support many external tools easily.

Minimal I/O

Many quantum chemistry codes are designed to use input/output (I/O) files as their primary (sometimes only) user interface. Users are expected to provide input files in certain format and parse output files to extract the information required. This is not only cumbersome but also can hinder performance particularly when the code is used as a library by an external code in high-throughput mode. The UI should avoid or minimize the I/O by providing the user with the ability to pass the input and output data directly to the code. This enables better interactivity and allows for more efficient use of the code as a library.


The UI should support interactivity, allowing users to run the code in a Jupyter notebook or IPython shell. This is particularly important for beginners who are not familiar with the code and want to explore its capabilities and for education. It is also important for visualization and for workflows supporting machine learning applications.

Limited results

In theory, there’s a very large set of results a user could want. Thankfully most users target the same quantities. The UI should focus on those quantities.

The most common quantities are: energy, molecular-orbital coefficients, gradients, vibrational frequencies, and geometries (including minimum energy, transition states, reaction paths, etc.).

Limited inputs

Generally speaking the inputs required for the aforementioned results tend to be the molecule, level of theory (method plus basis set), and method parameters. While the set of potential parameters is huge, again there are only a handful of commonly used parameters.

Primary targets are: algorithm variations (e.g. density fitting), number of iterations, and convergence criteria.

Focus on common tasks

The UI targets the most common use cases (see Common Quantum Chemistry Calculations), but should try to be flexible. At some point, harnessing the full power of the code requires forgoing the UI and dropping down to PluginPlay’s API.

Minimal dependencies

The UI is designed to be a thin-layer on top of the PluginPlay API and should have minimum number of dependencies. This improves maintainability and reduces the risk of breaking the code due to changes in the dependencies.

Archiving and reproducibility

The UI should support archiving and reproducibility by providing the user with a way to save the input and output data for each calculation. This not only serves as a tool for managing and organizing data but also plays an integral role in facilitating reproducibility.

Common Quantum Chemistry Calculations

As described in the design principles, the UI should enable users to conduct commonly used quantum chemistry calculations such as single-point energies and geometry optimizations in as few steps as possible. It should also be flexible enough to allow for more complex workflows using the helper/driver functions and PluginPlay modules. Users can execute these calculations either via Python scripts or interactively using Jupyter notebooks. For those who desire a fine-grained control of their workflow, they can utilize the Python and/or C++ API.

  1. Single Point Energy

    In these calculations total energy is computed for a fixed geometry of the molecule (arrangement of atomic nuclei) corresponding to a single point in the potential energy surface. While energy calculation is the most common case, the user might be interested in obtaining the wave function, derivatives, or other properties (dipole moment, electron density, etc.) for this specific geometry.

  2. Geometry Optimization

    This is a procedure to find the arrangement of atomic nuclei that corresponds to a stationary point in the potential energy surface. This procedure generally requires the calculation of the gradients and Hessian (first and second order partial derivatives of the energy with respect to nuclear coordinates, respectively) at many different geometries.

  3. Vibrational Frequency Calculation

    These calculations provide the vibrational modes of a molecule and their corresponding frequencies. The procedure requires Hessian calculation at the equilibrium geometry.

  4. Molecular Dynamics Simulation

    These calculations allow for the study of the trajectory of atoms and molecules over time using classical dynamics. Gradient calculations are required to compute the forces acting on the atoms.

We will initially focus on the UI design of the “single point energy” calculations in this document since other types of calculations (geometry optimization, vibrational frequency calculation, etc.) require similar inputs.

Before we delve into the specifics of the NWChemEx UX, we provide examples of restricted Hartree–Fock (RHF) energy calculations for a hydrogen molecule using PySCF, PSI4, and MolSSI QCEngine. Finally, we will provide an NWChemEx example and discuss about the choices made.

Existing Python-based UIs


PySCF is a Python-based open-source quantum chemistry package distributed under the Apache License 2.0. The code is written mostly in Python (~90%), while computational hot spots are written in C following C89 standard. Most functions are pure (exceptions are named with a suffix underscore) and functional programming is preferred over object oriented style as described in their code standard.

Below you can find how to run an RHF calculation for a hydrogen molecule using PySCF.

from pyscf import gto, scf
mol = gto.M(atom='O 0 0 0; H 0 1 0; H 0 0 1', basis='sto-3g')
rhf = scf.RHF(mol)
energy = rhf.kernel()

Here, mol is the object (type pyscf.gto.mole.Mole) representing the molecule and integrals with the given basis set and rhf is the object (type pyscf.scf.hf.RHF) that holds method specific information. The energy is computed using the kernel() function.


PSI4 is a C++/Python (70%/30%) open-source quantum chemistry package distributed under the LGPL3 license. PSI4 provides two different types of UI referred to as Psithon and PsiAPI modes. In the Psithon mode, the user writes an input file in a domain specific language similar to Python. In the PsiAPI mode, the user can write a pure Python script that interacts with PSI4 as a Python module. Since the latter is more relevant to our design, we show below how to run an RHF calculation for a hydrogen molecule using the PsiAPI mode.

import psi4
mol = psi4.geometry('H 0. 0. 0. \n H 0. 0. 1.')

Here, mol is the molecule object, which is created using the psi4.geometry() function and the energy is computed using the function, which takes the method name as the required argument. Note that the user do not need to pass the molecule object explicitly to the subsequent energy calculation. By default energy is computed for the last molecule defined with the psi4.geometry() function. Additional options can be set with the psi4.set_options() function, which takes a Python dictionary as the required argument.


QCEngine is a general purpose quantum chemistry program interface. It is a Python library that provides a common API for quantum chemistry programs. QCEngine is an open-source package distributed under the Apache License 2.0.

Below you can find how to run an RHF calculation for a hydrogen molecule using QCEngine.

import qcengine as qcng
import qcelemental as qcel
mol = qcel.models.Molecule.from_data('H 0. 0. 0. \n H 0. 0. 1.')
out = qcng.compute({"molecule": mol, "driver": "energy", "model": {"method":
"SCF", "basis": "sto-3g"}}, "NWChemEx")
energy = out.return_result

Here, mol is the molecule object (type qcelemental.models.molecule.Molecule), which is created using the qcel.models.Molecule.from_data() function from QCElemental package. The RHF energy is computed using the qcng.compute() function, from QCEngine package. Note that, the input for the qcng.compute function is a Python dictionary with a schema defined by QCElemental.

Current NWChemEx UI

The backbone of the current NWChemEx UI is the calculate() function. This function enables users to run quantum chemistry methods implemented in NWChemEx, with a very simple interface. The signature of this function is given below.

def calculate(molecule: Union[str, Dict[str, Any], chemist.Molecule],
method: str, basis: Union[str, chemist.AOBasisSet, simde.type.ao_space],
task: Literal["energy", "gradient", "wavefunction"] = "energy", options: Dict[str,
Any] = None, **kwargs) -> Dict[str, Any]:

In this function, there are three required arguments. First one is the molecule, which can be given as a Python string or a dictionary-like object (composed of key-value pairs) that contains the information required to create a chemist.Molecule object. The user can also pass a chemist.Molecule object directly. The second required argument is the method, which is a Python string that corresponds to one of the quantum chemistry methods implemented in NWChemEx. The third required argument is the basis, which can be given as a Python string or a chemist.AOBasisSet object or a simde.type.ao_space object. The calculate() function also takes optional arguments. task argument enables users to choose the type of calculation, which can be energy (default), gradient, or wavefunction currently, but this list is expected to grow as more functionalities are added to NWChemEx. options argument enables users to customize the calculation further by modifying different parameters related to the selected method and task. At this point, it is an opaque type (to be designed later in coordination with PluginPlay #308), which is capable of holding key/value pairs for inputs similar to a Python dictionary. Alternatively, key/value pairs can be passed directly to the function call as kwargs. The return type of the calculate() function is also an opaque type that can hold key/value pairs.

With the calculate() function, a user can run the RHF example by specifying only the required arguments as shown below.

import nwchemex as nwx
result = nwx.calculate(molecule = 'H 0. 0. 0. \n H 0., 0. 1.', method='scf', basis = 'sto-3g')

Here, method = 'scf' will default to the RHF energy calculation since the molecule is a closed-shell system and default value for the task is a single point energy calculation.

Parallel calculations

NWChemEx also provides a simple interface to run calculations in parallel. Here, we provide an example where the user wants to run a potential energy surface scan, which is basically an embarrassingly parallel workflow composed of single point energy calculations at different geometries. The user can run this workflow in two different ways:

# Initialize the parallel environment with mpi4py
from mpi4py import MPI
rank = comm.Get_rank()

# Use one rank per sub-communicator
sub_comm = comm.Split(rank)
# Define the distance between atoms based on the global rank
d = 1. + rank * 0.1

# Alternative 1
# Initialize NWChemEx runtime with the sub-communicator
nwx_comm = nwx.initialize(sub_comm)
result = nwx.calculate(molecule = f'H 0. 0. 0. \n H 0. 0. {d}', method = 'scf', basis = 'sto-3g')
print(f'Energy calculated by rank: {rank} for distance: {d} is {result.scf_energy}')

# Alternative 2
# Initialize NWChemEx runtime inside the function call
# Sub-communicator can be passed directly or through the options argument
result = nwx.calculate(molecule = f'H 0. 0. 0. \n H 0. 0. {d}', method = 'scf', basis = 'sto-3g', communicator = sub_comm)
print(f'Energy calculated by rank: {rank} for distance: {d} is {result.scf_energy}')

Not In Scope

Graphical user interface (GUI)

Arguably a GUI represents the pinnacle of UX; however, we presently are focused on a programmatic UI. Implementing a GUI is an orthogonal task that can benefit from the existence of the programmatic UI.

Interfaces for driving NWChemEx

While we want NWChemEx to be part of an ecosystem, the design on this page is purely focused on a UI which uses a combination of native NWChemEx and Python objects.

  • With a NWChemEx UI in place driving NWChemEx from other packages becomes easier.

  • Ideally such interfaces should be maintained on the driver’s side, and not by us, in order to avoid needing to weigh down NWChemEx with additional dependencies. Note that making a dependency optional for a user does NOT negate this as NWChemEx developers must support all optional features.