Contributing to NWChemEx Documentation

In this section we explain the basic orgnization of the NWChemEx documentation system and present instructions on how to contribute to the documentation.

Structure of NWChemEx Documentation

In the repo of every NWChemEx package, there is a docs directory. Under this diretory there is a source subdirectory which contains all .rst source files of the documentation (recursive subdirectory structures may exist). The files Makefile and requirements.txt are for generating formatted files of the documentation, and will be explained below. The file briefly decscribes the documentation and how to generate the documentation files.

How to Contribute to NWChemEx Documentation

Suppose one plans to update the documentation of the package PluginPlay. First, one should create a local working copy of the PluginPlay repo using git clone, then edit the existing .rst files or create new .rst files under the doc directory. Remember, when new .rst files are added, one needs to add the names of the new files into the toctree list in the index.rst file under the same directory. When all editing work is done one needs to generate a local copy of the documentation (see below), usually in html format, and check the .html files in a browser to make sure everything is displayed properly. Finally one can open a pull request to the PluginPlay repo and merge the updated documentation to master.

Note: the developer documentation of NWChemEx resides in the .github repo.

How to Generate a Local Copy of the Documentation

NWChemEx uses Sphinx - a Python documentation generator to transform the source files (.rst, .md. etc) into documentation files in various formats (.html, .pdf, etc). One can see the content of the file requirements.txt with the linux command vi:


This list contains the required Python packages to install. We recommend to install these packags into a Python virtual environment, in order to avoid possible conflicts in the base environment. One can run the linux commands

python3 -m venv venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

to create a virtual environment venv, activate it, and then install the required packages into it. Note: during the installation of the packages, one may see an error message like “ERROR: sphinx-rtd-theme 1.2.0 has requirement docutils<0.19, but you’ll have docutils 0.19 which is incompatible.”. This is a known issue, but not affecting documentation generation.

After all packages are successfully installed, one can run

make html

under the directory of docs to generate the documentation in .html format. One can also choose other formats, for example, .pdf, for the generated documentation files by running

make latexpdf

In this case the installation of additional packages such as latexmk might be necessary. After successfully running these make commands, a directory of build would be created under docs. So one can go to the subdirectories html or latex to check whether generated .html or .pdf files are correct or not.