reST Cheat Sheet

The purpose of this page is to provide a convenient resource for quickly becoming familiar with ReStructured text (reST) as commonly needed in documenting NWChemEx.


reST is an extensible markup language, which means it’s a bit more complicated than say Markdown. This complication comes from some additional concepts.

  • roles: These are the qualifiers on inline text

    • e.g., :math:\alpha

  • directives: These markup blocks of text

    • e.g., .. math::

Basic Text Formatting

  • Italics: *text to italicize

    • Result: text to italicize

  • Bold: **text to bold**

    • Result: text to bold


To write inline math use the :math: role:

The area, :math:`a`, of a circle of radius :math:`r` is :math:`a=\pi r^2`


The area, \(a\), of a circle of radius \(r\) is \(a=\pi r^2\)

To make a block of math use the .. math:: directive:

.. math::

   a = \pi r^2

Which renders as:

\[a = \pi r^2\]

Equations in a math block can be aligned in the usual LaTeX way (i.e., with &):

.. math::

   \widehat{H}\Psi &= E\Psi \\
   \widehat{H}     &= -\frac{1}{2}\sum_{i} \bigtriangledown^2_i -
                      \sum_i \sum_A \frac{Z_A}{\mathbf{r}_{iA}} +
                      \sum_{i > j} \frac{1}{\mathbf{r}_{ij}} +
                      \sum_A \sum_B \frac{Z_AZ_B}{\mathbf{R}_{AB}}

which shows up as:

\[\begin{split}\widehat{H}\Psi &= E\Psi \\ \widehat{H} &= -\frac{1}{2}\sum_{i} \bigtriangledown^2_i - \sum_i \sum_A \frac{Z_A}{\mathbf{r}_{iA}} + \sum_{i > j} \frac{1}{\mathbf{r}_{ij}} + \sum_A \sum_B \frac{Z_AZ_B}{\mathbf{R}_{AB}}\end{split}\]

To simplify writing complicated math equations you can define LaTeX commands in a math directive:

.. math::


   \bra{\psi} = \left(\ket{\psi}\right)^\dagger

which renders as:

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}\newcommand{\bra}[1]{\left\langle{#1}\right|} \newcommand{\ket}[1]{\left|{#1}\right\rangle}\\\bra{\psi} = \left(\ket{\psi}\right)^\dagger\end{aligned}\end{align} \]

Commands defind in a math directive are good for the page, so:

.. math::

   \ket{i} = \sum_{\mu}C_{\mu i}\ket{\mu}

renders as:

\[\ket{i} = \sum_{\mu}C_{\mu i}\ket{\mu}\]

without needing to redefine the \ket command.

To make aliases for inline math the best solution I have found is to do:

.. |fock_matrix| replace:: :math:`f_{\mu\nu}`

The :math:`\mu\nu`-th element of the fock matrix is |fock_matrix|.

Which renders as:

The \(\mu\nu\)-th element of the fock matrix is \(f_{\mu\nu}\).

Code Blocks

Code blocks are done with the .. code-block:: directive. To get syntax highlighting you can specify the language after the ::. For example:

.. code-block:: python

   import os
   print("The current directory is: " + os.getcwd())

which renders as:

import os
print("The current directory is: " + os.getcwd())


To add a figure to a page:

.. _label_for_figure:

.. figure:: relative/path/to/image.png
   :align: center

   The figure's caption goes here.

You can refer to the figure with :numref:`label_for_figure`. Note the underscore on the declaration of the label, which is not present when referring to the label.


The :numref: role will automatically include “Fig.” in addition to the number.


If when you try to build the documentation you get a warning like:

/path/to/file.rst:line_number: WARNING: numfig is disabled. :numref: is ignored

then you need to add numfig = True to the file.


  1. How do I have URLs with the same generic link text?

For example the following reST will give rise to the warning WARNING: Duplicate explicit target name: "here":

See `here <>`_ or
`here <>`_ for a really
cool repo.

This problem is caused by the fact that Sphinx automatically creates a target for your link based on the link text. To avoid this problem you can make the link have an anonymous target. This is done by using two underscores at the end like:

See `here <>`__ or
`here <>`__ for a really
cool repo.
  1. How do I insert line breaks into long URLs to satisfy the 80 character limit?

At this point I can not find a reST-based solution for this problem; however, a widely applicable solution to this problem is to use websites like TinyURL or Bitly <>__ to shorten the URL.