This script parses a file containing ground state atomic electronic configurations and generates a function to load that data into a PeriodicTable object.
For readability and convenience we use a few abbreviations throughout this script:
Z: the atomic number of an atom
Sym: the atomic symbol of an atom (e.g. H for hydrogen, He for helium)
usage: [-h] data_dir src_dir
positional arguments:
data_dir Data directory for atomic information files.
src_dir Destination directory for generated source files.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
This script looks for the following file(s):
| ElementNames.txt
This script creates the following file(s):
| atomconfigs.cpp
Parse the given symbols file and add them to the existing atom |
parse an electronic configuration and return dict containing number |
Parses file containing ionization energy data from the NIST Atomic |
Generate the electronic_configurations.cpp source file. |
Entry point function to generate atomic info files. |
Parse command line arguments. |
Module Contents
- data_management.generate_elec_configs.LMAX = 3
- data_management.generate_elec_configs.NMAX = 7
- data_management.generate_elec_configs.i_to_lchar
- data_management.generate_elec_configs.lchar_to_i
- class data_management.generate_elec_configs.AtomicData
- sym = ''
- name = ''
- Z = 0
- confstr = ''
- confdict
- property config_full
return full electronic configuration (number of electrons for each (l, n))
- Returns:
number of electrons for each (l, n); indexed by [l][n-(l+1)]
- Return type:
- property config
return reduced config (number of electrons per l)
- Returns:
(Ns, Np, Nd, …)
- Return type:
- __repr__()
- data_management.generate_elec_configs.parse_symbols(name_file: str, atoms: dict) None
Parse the given symbols file and add them to the existing atom collection. Atoms will be added twice (same data with two keys) to allow access via either Z or Sym
- Parameters:
name_file (str) – File with atomic numbers, symbols, and names for atoms.
atoms (dict) – Current collection of atoms. Loaded atoms will be added here.
- data_management.generate_elec_configs.parse_config_str(sconf: str) dict
parse an electronic configuration and return dict containing number of electrons in each shell, indexed by (n,l)
- Returns:
dictionary with number of electrons in each shell, indexed by (n, l) where n is an int and l is a str with length 1
- Return type:
- data_management.generate_elec_configs.parse_nist_configs(ip_file: str, atoms: dict) None
Parses file containing ionization energy data from the NIST Atomic Spectra Database or other file with similar format each line should contain “Z element_name atomic_config […]”
If an element symbol is used to represent a closed-shell core in a config, the config for that element must be parsed and added to atoms before it is used to represent a core configuration. e.g. Ne config must be added before [Ne]3s2
- Parameters:
ip_file – path to file containing configs
atoms (dict of AtomicData) – Collection of atoms. Loaded configs will be added here.
- data_management.generate_elec_configs._write_configs(out_dir: str, atoms: dict) None
Generate the electronic_configurations.cpp source file.
- Parameters:
out_dir (str) – Output directory for the generated header file.
atoms (dict of AtomicData) – Collection of atoms.
- data_management.generate_elec_configs.main(args: argparse.Namespace) None
Entry point function to generate atomic info files.
- Parameters:
args (argparse.Namespace) – Command line argument namespace
- data_management.generate_elec_configs.parse_args() argparse.Namespace
Parse command line arguments.
- Returns:
Values of command line arguments.
- Return type: