DSL Component

These are notes on designing the DSL component.

  • We’ll need DSLs for combining wavefunctions, operators, and potentially BraKets and chemical systems.

  • This component is an attempt to create a reusable DSL framework. It stops shy of evaluating the expression that is created.

  • We’ll have everything use CRTP to inherit from dsl::Term, that way things can just take Term<T> objects and then parse the graph described by the object.

  • Note that to get const-ness correct the ops need to be templated (e.g., the “reference” type of an op needs to mutable if it wraps a mutable object and read-only if it wraps a read-only object). This requires TMP to work out the correct type.

  • To use the DSL promote an object in your

    class OperatorImpl<DerivedType, ...>{
        template<typename DerivedType2, ...>
        auto operator+(const OperatorImpl<DerivedType2>& rhs) const {
            return dsl::Add<DerivedType, DerivedType2>(*this, rhs);