ParallelZone is a high-level, object-oriented C++ runtime system designed to facilitate writing high-performance, object-oriented C++ software. ParallelZone is conceived as being a stable API more than an implementation of a full blown runtime system. By this we mean that under the hood ParallelZone simply dispatches to more established runtime systems (such as MPI) and lets them do the heavy lifting. Unfortunately, the space of runtime systems is highly turbulent at the moment, which is why we designed ParallelZone to provide a buffer that insulates downstream dependencies from the chaotic underpinnings.
The main features of ParallelZone include:
Object-oriented API. C++ is object-oriented. Your runtime should be too.
SIMD-like API. ParallelZone’s API is designed to help you write parallel code that looks serial because that’s the easiest kind to write.
Support for process parallelism.
Backwards compatible with MPI.
Planned features:
Thread support
Better hardware detection/introspection
Asynchronous execution
Hardware aware scheduling