Abbreviations Used Throughout ParallelZone

The following is a list (in alphabetical order) of abbreviations encountered throughout ParallelZone. Pages are encouraged to use these abbreviations and to link to the abbreviation on its first use (instead of defining the abbreviation).


Application Programming Interface. The literal functions you call to programmatically interact with a software package.


Central processing unit.


Graphical processing unit.


Multiple instructions, multiple data. A parallelism model in which each worker executes different instructions on different data.


Multiple instructions, single data. A parallelism model in which each worker executes different instructions on the same data.


Message Passing Interface. An API standard defining functions and utilities useful for writing software using distributed parallelism.


Resource acquisition is initialization. In C++ RAII has come to mean that resources (such as memory, file handles, basically anything whose use needs to be managed) should be tied to the lifetime of an object. This ensures that when the object is deleted the resources are released, which in turn helps avoid leaks.


Single instruction, multiple data. Refers to a parallelism model in which each parallel worker has different data, but executes the same function on that data.


Single instruction, single data. Serial execution as expressed by the remaining permutation of single/multiple instruction(s), single/multiple data.