How Does run_as work?

ModuleManager::run_as is the workhorse of running a call graph. The point of this page is to succinctly summarize the behind-the-scenes actions of this function.


Fig. 15 Overview of the control flow of ModuleManager::run_as. Boxes denote methods, ovals data. Arrows between methods point from caller to the callee. Arrows stemming from data indicate data is input. Arrows ending in data indicate that data results. When a method calls multiple sub-methods the call order is depicted left-to-right. Note pre_run and post_run are conceptual

The call graph of ModuleManager::run_as (as seen from C++) is summarized in Fig. 15. Briefly:

  1. Many users enter the call graph via ModuleManager::run_as; however, this method simply wraps retrieving the specified module and forwarding the results to that module’s Module::run_as method.

  2. Module::run_as is the typed user interface. It works with the objects’ native C++ types, i.e., inputs and results are actual C++ objects. Under the hood Module::run_as is responsible for type-erasing inputs and restoring types to results.

  3. PropertyType::wrap_inputs this is the method that Module::run_as calls to type-erase the inputs. The property type class is essentially a schema written in terms of domain-specific types.

  4. With type-erased inputs the next call is to the type-erased user-interface, Module::run.

  5. The first thing Module::run does is to merge the user-provided inputs with the bound inputs. The result is the full set of inputs for the module.

  6. Next, Module::run determines if the module is ready to run, e.g., does it have all the inputs needed to run? Has a submodule been assigned to each callback point? Is each submodule ready to run?

  7. Assuming the module is ready to run, Module::run then locks the module (and all submodules). A locked module can no longer have its options or submodules changed.

  8. After locking the module, the actual module contents are run via ModuleBase::run (which calls the derived class’s run_ method).

  9. The results of Module::run are type-erased, so the final step is for Module::run_as to restore their types before returning them to the user.