Templated Modules

Our CoulombsLaw module hard-coded the floating type to double. In practice we can get a factor of 2 speed-up by using float instead of double. The trade-off is that float has reduced precision and is thus not applicable in all situations. Nonetheless, if we want to support both float and double the easiest way to do this is by templating our module on the floating-point type. To this end, this section looks at how to write a module TemplatedCoulombsLaw, which is templated on the floating-point type.


In practice, rather than declaring a whole new module TemplatedCoulombsLaw you would probably just modify the CoulombsLaw module; however, in order to maintain two separate tutorials we opted to create a new module.

Templating slightly changes how the module is declared:

#pragma once
#include <pluginplay/pluginplay.hpp>

namespace pluginplay_examples {
template<typename FloatingPointType>
} // namespace pluginplay_examples

specifically we need to include a template<typename FloatingPointType> statement before the call to MODULE_RUN (template<class FloatingPointType> would work too). The more significant changes are to the definition of the module where we have to use different macros: TEMPLATED_MODULE_CTOR and TEMPLATED_MODULE_RUN. In addition to taking the name of the module, these macros also take a list of all template parameters.

#include "electric_field.hpp"
#include "modules.hpp"
#include <numeric> // For std::inner_product

static constexpr auto module_desc = R"(
template<typename FloatingPointType>
TEMPLATED_MODULE_CTOR(TemplatedCoulombsLaw, FloatingPointType) {

template<typename FloatingPointType>
TEMPLATED_MODULE_RUN(TemplatedCoulombsLaw, FloatingPointType) {
    const auto& [r, charges] = prop_type::unwrap_inputs(inputs);

    // This will be the value of the electric field
    Point E{0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
    auto rv = results();
    return prop_type::wrap_results(rv, E);