Architecture of SimDE

In SimDE Statement of Need we described the needs SimDE was designed to address. The actual SimDE library is largely a meta-package, i.e., it bundles a number of development libraries together into a single package. Architecture and design of those libraries is outside our present scope and falls under the purview of the respective libraries. The discussions here focus on the architecture and design of the pieces of SimDE for which development occurs in the SimDE repo. For the most part, this limits our discussion to computational chemistry property types.

Architecture Considerations

The present architecture of SimDE was developed from the following considerations.

parallel Chemist architecture

From a computer science perspective, modules are pure functions. Pure functions are maps from inputs to results. Having a module map to multiple results has its time and place, but most modules will map to a single result. Since these results are usually Chemist objects, there is a natural mapping from the architecture of Chemist to the architecture of SimDE.

  • The consequences of this consideration are that developers will have an easier time finding things and figuring out where to put things if we define the same components as Chemist.

properties beyond Chemist

While many property types will result in Chemist objects, not all will. For example a number of property types will result in plain old data or tensors.

  • The consequence here is that the parallel Chemist architecture consideration alone is not sufficient for defining all of SimDE’s architecture.


One of the most important properties in computational chemistry are “energies”. This includes not only total energies, but also relative energies, and components of total/relative energies.

Overview of SimDE’s Architecture


Fig. 3 Architecture of the SimDE library.

Fig. 3 shows the current architecture of SimDE. At present SimDE’s source consists of a single property type component.

Property Types

Following from parallel Chemist architecture, SimDE’s property type component is structured to contain sub-components for each component of Chemist.


Modules are assumed to wrap algorithms, so property types should only be defined when there is a need for an algorithm to convert from the inputs to the result. For example, modules should not be used for trivial calls to an object’s constructor.

Basis Set

Main page: Design of Basis Set Property Types.

Property types in the “Basis Set” sub-component of SimDE define APIs for creating Chemist objects such as AOBasisSet and AtomicBasisSet. Typically these property types are used for modules which go from more traditional user inputs such as a molecular geometry and an atomic basis set specification like “6-31G*” to an actual AOBasisSet object.

Chemical System

Main page: Design of Chemical System Property Types.

Property types in the “Chemical System” sub-component of SimDE define APIs for creating Chemist objects such as Molecule and ChemicalSystem. Like the “Basis Set” sub-component, many of these modules are primarily used to convert from more traditional user inputs like atomic symbols and Cartesian coordinates to an actual Molecule object.


Main page: Design of Energy Property Types.

The energy of a chemical system is a fundamental property in computational chemistry. Unsurprisingly many computational chemistry methods strive to be black boxes for computing the total energy of a chemical system. The mapping from a ChemicalSystem object to a total energy defines the TotalEnergy property type. In practice, methods often require additional inputs in order to compute the total energy. The “Energy” sub-component collects property types for computing the total energy, relative energies, and components of the other energies.


parallel Chemist architecture

The “Property Types” component contains sub-components for each component of Chemist.


SimDE’s “Property Type” component contains an “Energy” sub-component.