Design Notes


TensorRepresentation is an experimental feature and subject to change.


To convert an operator into a tensor in she some basis set the target API is:

// Two-center
Tensor TensorRepresentation(bra, operator, ket);

// Three-center
Tensor TensorRepresentation(bra, operator, ket1, ket2);
// or
Tensor TensorRepresentation(bra1, bra2, operator, ket);

// Four-center
Tensor TensorRepresentation(bra1, bra2, operator, ket1, ket2);

Focusing on only the AO basis set for the moment we have AOSpace<T> instances and SparseAOSpace<T> instances. For a four-center integral like I("mu,nu;lambda,sigma") we need to take two AOSpace<T> and two SparseAOSpace<T> instances (note that which two modes are dependent and which two are independent is determined by the types of the AO spaces provided). This gives us \(2^N\) overloads for an \(N\)-center integral. If we add derived spaces into the mix (so we can do transfomrations) this becomes \(4^N\) overloads (there’s normal and sparse versions of derived space too). This doesn’t even take precision (i.e. double vs float) into account. Asking module developers to handle all of these overloads is infeasible. Instead we distinguish between the following scenarios:

  1. All type::ao_space<T>

    • This is the base case which maps directly to a call to an integral library

    • Handled by property type AOTensorRepresentation

  2. Mix of type::sparse_ao_space<T> and type::ao_space<T> instances

    • This is what happens when we use ToTs

    • The module will likely dispatch to an “all AOSpace<T> submodule and then fill in the ToT appropriately

    • Handled by property type GeneralAOTensorRepresentation

  3. One or more type::derived_spaceD

    • Will probably dispatch to scenario 1, then do the transform

  4. At least one type::ind_derived_spaceD or type::dep_derived_spaceD

    • Will probably dispatch to scenario 2, then do the transform

For scenario 1 it’s pretty easy to have the API we want and we define the property type’s API:

template<typename OperatorType, typename T>
type::tensor AOTensorRepresentation(type::ao_space<T>,

For scenarios 2-4 we provide a free function (for API symmetry the free function also works with scenario 1):

auto TensorRepresentation(sde::Module& mod, Args&&...args)

which is used like:

// Two center call
auto x = TensorRepresentation(mod, bra, op, ket);

// Four center call
auto x = TensorRepresentation(mode, bra1, bra2, op, ket1, ket2);

This function takes a module to call, the bra(s), the operator, and the ket(s). Internally it then packages the arguments based on type (type::ao_space<T> vs type::derived_spaceD vs…), calls the module, and returns the result.

The actual property type API for scenarios 2 is:

template<typeanme T>
using sparse_map = std::map<unsigned int, type::sparse_ao_space<T>>;

template<typename T>
using dense_map  = std::map<unsigned int, type::ao_space<T>>;

template<typename OperatorType, typename ElementType>

where the maps map from tensor mode to AO spaces, e.g. sparse_map[1] is the AO space for the 1-st mode of the output tensor (if sparse_map.count(1) == 0 then mode 1 isn’t sparse…). The property type API for scenarios 3 and 4 are similar. For scenario 3:

template<typeanme T>
using ao_space_map = std::map<unsigned int, type::ao_space<T>>;

template<typename T>
using derived_map  = std::map<unsigned int, type::derived_space<T>>;

template<typename OperatorType, typename ElementType>
type::tensor TransformedTensorRepresentation(ao_space_map<ElementType>,

and for scenario 4:

template<typeanme T>
using ao_space_map = std::map<unsigned int, type::ao_space<T>>;

template<typename T>
using sparse_ao_map = std::map<unsigned int, type::sparse_ao_space<T>>;

template<typename T>
using ind_derived_map  = std::map<unsigned int, type::ind_derived_space<T>>;

template<typename T>
using dep_derived_map = std::map<unsigned int, type::dep_derived_space<T>>;

template<typename OperatorType, typename ElementType>
type::tensor GeneralTransformedTensorRepresentation(ao_space_map<ElementType>,