Designing the AOBasisSet Component

Following from Quantum electrons., the Atom, Molecule, and ChemicalSystem classes store their electrons implicitly. This usually entails storing the number of electrons and the total spin. When it comes time to model the actual electrons one needs to build wavefunctions (or densities). The first step in this process is defining a basis set. For the purpose of this page we assume that the basis set will be comprised of atom-centered atomic orbitals (AOs).

What is an AOBasisSet?

AOs are the one-electron orbitals describing electrons within an atom. By an AO basis set we mean a set of AOs used as a basis set for forming molecular orbitals (MOs). The AO basis set is limited to representing the parameters necessary to construct the set of AOs, i.e., representing the space spanned by the AOs is outside the scope of the AOBasisSet class (as detailed in Architecture of Wavefunction Component representing this space falls to the AOSpace class).

Why do we need an AOBasisSet?

To compute integrals involving AOs we must be able to construct the AOs. This requires us to know the parameters defining those AOs. The AOBasisSet class is a one-stop shop for those parameters. Most users will construct an AOBasisSet (usually by specifying its name, e.g., 6-31G*) and never need to otherwise manipulate the AOBasisSet.

AOBasisSet Considerations

Topics in this section were considered in designing the AOBasisSet component of Chemist and ultimately were addressed by the design.


Integrals involving AOs are some of the lowest-lying operations. The AOBasisSet needs to be interoperable with existing highly-optimized integral libraries. In particular:

  • Exponents, coefficients stored in a manner that is vectorizable.

  • float vs. double. Integrals are a performance critical piece of the code, being able to use floats, instead of doubles, leads to significant speed ups (when doing so does not compromise accuracy).

  • views also allow others to use existing basis sets seamlessly with our infrastructure, without copying!

Spherical vs. Cartesian

Terming the \(e^{-\alpha r^2}\) part of a Gaussian basis function the “radial” part, the angular part can take on one of two forms “spherical” (in which case the radial/angular labels actually work) or “Cartesian” (in which case the radial/angular labels are sloppy). We need to know this information to properly compute the integrals.

  • As a corollary, the distinction between spherical and Cartesian Gaussians primarily impacts the integrals library. Consumers of the integrals only care about the number of Gaussians. Point being, the design should adhere to established norms that spherical/Cartesian Gaussians can be used largely interchangeable.

Tracking Order

For tensors represented in an AO basis the order of the AOs will determine the ordering of the tensor elements. For tensors to be compatible they must have the same order. The AO basis set should be able to work out if this is the case or not.

  • This point is important to note because most other codes do NOT track this information.

  • This information can be stored implicitly and only generated when needed.

AO to Center Mapping

We usually center multiple AOs on the same point. Since the overlap of AOs decays with the distance between them, the sparsity pattern tends to depend on where AOs are centered. It is thus helpful to collect AOs on the same center together.

Atomic Basis Name

Most of the time users use pre-tabulated AO basis set parameters. Convention has established names for the various parameter sets, e.g., STO-3G, cc-pVDZ, and 6-31G*. While the parameters often suffice, there are circumstances where we may need the name. Examples include: mapping to auxillary basis sets, and interfacing with codes which do not expose parameter-based APIs.

  • We note that mixing basis sets, say using cc-pVDZ on hydrogens and aug-cc-pVDZ on non-hydrogens, is not unheard of. Thus we may need to specify the basis name per center.

Atomic number tracking

In practice one usually specifies an atomic basis set on a per atom basis. This requires the name of the basis set and the atomic number of the atom.


While we think of atom-centered basis sets as simple sets of basis functions, the reality is those functions have a somewhat complicated hierarchical form, i.e., primitives often combine to form contracted Gaussian functions which then are paired with either a Cartesian or spherical piece to form atomic orbitals which are then grouped into shells which are then grouped into atomic basis sets which finally are combined to form molecular basis sets. Our classes should also be able to represent this hierarchy.

Class flattening

For better or worse much of the infrastructure written to support AO integrals is function-based and not object-oriented. Point being to use an object-oriented basis set with existing infrastructure we often need to operate with the primitives directly. For convenience each level of the hierarchy should be able to flatten itself, i.e., we should be able to iterate over primitives in an object, regardless of the nesting.

Out of Scope

Topics in this section were considered, but ultimately do not play a role in the current implementation of the AOBasisSet class. Many of these considerations may need to

Segmented vs general

Contracted Gaussians can come in two forms: segmented and general. Both are linear combinations of primitive Gaussian functions. The difference is that each segmented contracted Gaussian is comprised of different primitive Gaussians, whereas with general contracted Gaussians multiple contractions share the same primitives.

  • The vast majority of existing infrastructure targets segmented contractions so we have prioritized segmented contractions. While very inefficient, one can use segmented basis infrastructure for general contractions by copying the primitives.

  • An efficient solution would likely require writing a class parallel to Shell which acts like a container of ContractedGaussians, but is also keyed into the underlying general nature of the basis.

Effective core potentials

For heavy atoms it is common to replace the core electrons with a potential. In practice ECPs are basis set specific and thus have repercussions for the basis set.

  • ECPs will be needed down the road. A potential place for storing the ECP is the AtomicBasisSet class.

Not Gaussian-Based

AOs can be comprised of many types of functions. Atom-centered AOS are overwhelming created from Gaussian functions and our current design prioritizes Gaussian-based AOs.

  • With some modifications the current design could be adapted to other AO types, such as Slater orbitals. This would require introducing new classes for the parameters of the other functions. It also may void some naming conventions and would thus be API breaking.

AOBasisSet Design


Fig. 7 Major classes involved in Chemist’s basis set component.

Fig. 7 pictorially describes the AOBasisSet component of Chemist. The top-level class is the AOBasisSet class (located in the top-right corner of the diagram). The remaining classes in the diagram form the internal, hierarchical structure of the AOBasisSet class. The AOBasisSet class itself is little more than a container of AtomicBasisSet objects.

The AtomicBasisSet class groups AOs by center. This is in response to consideration AO to Center Mapping. More specifically, all members of the same AtomicBasisSet object are centered on the same point.

The Shell class represents all the AOs with a given total angular momentum which can be formed from a ContractedGaussian object. At present, the AOs in the Shell class are implicit and can not be individually accessed. Allowing the user to directly access the AO objects would satisfy consideration Tracking Order. In practice, the Shell class adds two pieces of state: the total angular momentum and whether the AOs are Cartesian or spherical (in turn satisfying Spherical vs. Cartesian).

The ContractedGaussian class is a container around a set of Primitive objects. The Primitive class holds the exponent, where the Primitive is centered, and coefficient.

Not shown in Fig. 7 are the respective view classes. Associated with Primitive, ContractedGaussian, and Shell are the classes PrimitiveView, ContractedGaussianView, and ShellView. Additional views could be added for the AO class and the AtomicBasisSet classes. Each view has the same API as its namesake class (e.g., PrimitiveView has the same API as Primitive), but different memory ownership semantics. In particular, the view versions alias their state whereas the non-views own it. The view versions are necessary to maintain an array-of- structure API, while actually implementing a structure-of-arrays to be consistent with Performance.


Briefly, the design of the AOBasisSet component addresses the considerations raised in AOBasisSet Considerations by:


Our design addresses performance primarily by a separation of the API from the implementation. More specifically, the containers behave like arrays of structures, but under the hood are implemented as structures of arrays. The trick

Spherical vs. Cartesian

The design contains two provisions for spherical AOs vs. Cartesian AOs. The first is in the CartesianAO and SphericalAO classes which are envisioned as providing direct access to the parameters defining a particular AO. The second is the Shell class which knows if the AOs forming the shell are spherical or Cartesian.

Tracking Order

The design calls for the AO, CartesianAO, and SphericalAO classes, which can be used to iterate over the AOs in a Shell.

AO to Center Mapping

The AtomicBasisSet class stores all of the AOs (grouped into shells) which reside on the same center.

Atomic Basis Name

The AtomicBasisSet class is capable of storing the name of the basis set.