Designing the Nucleus Component

This section contains notes on the design of Chemist’s nucleus component.

What is the Nucleus Component?

In the present context a nucleus is the core of an atom and is comprised of neutrons and protons. The nucleus component contains the abstractions needed to represent a single nucleus as well as a set of nuclei.

Why do we need a Nucleus Component?

Anecdotally most quantum chemistry packages do not bother with classes for describing the nucleus, so why should we? There’s a couple reasons. First, particularly when it comes to manipulating the chemical system we often treat the nuclei independent of the electrons (i.e. we invoke the Born-Oppenheimer approximation). Having separate classes for the nuclei and the electrons makes this easier as we have literal different objects we can manipulate. Second, while the nuclei are often treated as point charges, they need not be. High accuracy work may take into account the finite size of the nucleus and even its quantum mechanical nature. These different descriptions require different parameters (and therefore different classes). Our final motivation for having a separate Nucleus class is that when it comes time to take derivatives or define operators with respect to particles we can use the Nucleus and Nuclei classes in the types of the derivative/operator thus obtaining separate types for taking derivatives with respect to nuclei vs electrons (and different operators).

Nucleus Considerations

basic parameters

Nuclei are assumed to be centered on a point, have a mass, an atomic number, an overall charge, and an atomic symbol.

atomic number vs. charge

In atomic units the atomic number of a nucleus is the same as the charge. As such it is reasonable to not distinguish among the two; however, there are a couple reasons to separate them:

  • As alluded to, the two are only equal in atomic units. We intend to add unit support at a later time.

  • The atomic number is always an integer and is often used as the key in maps. While the charge is an integer in atomic units, it is still often used in mathematical contexts where it needs to be a floating point type. While integers and floating-poing values can be converted somewhat easily, having separate functions helps avoid compiler warnings.


Traditionally the molecular system has been stored as a structure of arrays. This is primarily for performance reasons. From a user-perspective an array of structures is easier to use. By introducing views we can have both. The view objects act like the values, but only alias their state.

  • We need views of Nucleus to be used as references into the Nuclei container.

  • We need views of Nuclei to be used in containers like FragmentedNuclei where the elements are meant to be Nuclei objects.

  • Views also enable external libraries to wrap their data in an API compatible with Chemist.

Out of Scope

non-point charge like nuclei

While we recognize that nuclei need not always be treated as point charges, given how often they are treated as point charges, we are focusing on point charge-like nuclei only for right now. Additional classes can be added to the hierarchy to handle more realistic approximations.

Nucleus Design


Fig. 4 Classes comprising the Nucleus component of Chemist.

The classes of the Nucleus component are shown in Fig. 4. The figure divides the classes into two categories those which are part of the public API and those which are needed to implement the public API. The following subsections contain more details about the various classes.


The Nucleus class is the fundamental class of the hierarchy. Consistent with the basic parameters consideration it will derive from PointCharge. On top of PointCharge’s state we add the mass, atomic number, and atomic symbol. The NucleusView class, consistent with Views allows users to wrap existing data in objects and have those objects be used as if they are Nucleus objects.



Fig. 5 Class hierarchy implementing NucleiView.

Generally speaking we do not usually deal with a single nucleus, we deal with a set of nuclei. The Nuclei object serves as a container for Nucleus objects. A separate class, versus say an STL container, is needed because internally the Nuclei object will usually unpack the data found in the Nucleus objects it contains. This is for performance (vectorization specifically). The NucleusView class then serves a convenient mechanism for the Nuclei class to alias the unpacked state, while maintaining the Nucleus API.

Similar to NucleusView, NucleiView is designed to facilitate using existing data as if it were a Nuclei object. In practice, there are a lot of different ways to bring together a set of nuclei and NucleiView will need optimized backends for each scenario. These implementations are summarized in Class hierarchy implementing NucleiView. and include:

  • ContiguousNucleiView. This is the “traditional” implementation found in most quantum chemistry codes. You have one array per property such that the \(i\)-th element of the array is the value of that property for the \(i\)-th nucleus (properties here include the accessible state of a Nucleus class).

  • NucleiSubset. Many approximations partition the system of interest into subsets. This backend stores a view of the nuclei from the system of interest, i.e., a view of the supersystem, and the members of the superset that are in the subset. With the superset view present, offsets for the subset members suffices.

  • NucleusViewList. Sometimes you just have a bunch of NucleusView objects you want to treat as the elements of a NucleiView. This PIMPL holds a vector of NucleusView objects.

  • NucleiUnion. A functional inverse of NucleiSubset. When you have pieces of a system you often want to combine them. While it’s always possible to use NucleusViewList for this purpose, it’s often just easier to store a vector of NucleiView objects.


basic parameters

The Nucleus class contains the specified parameters.

atomic number vs. charge

The Nucleus object stores the atomic number as separate state. By default the charge is set to the atomic number (and the units are assumed to be atomic units).


The Nucleus, and Nuclei classes are paired with NucleusView and NucleiView.