Designing the FragmentedMolecule Class

The point of this page is to document the design decisions which went into the FragmentedMolecule class.

Why Do We Need a FragmentedMolecule Class?

The need for the FragmentedMolecule class was motivated by the chemical system hierarchy consideration of Designing the Fragmenting Component. In short, each layer of the ChemicalSystem class will require a corresponding container for holding fragments. This is because each layer of the ChemicalSystem introduces new state.

FragmentedMolecule Considerations

molecule state

The FragmentedMolecule class must hold the state for a series of Molecule objects. In addition to the nuclei in each fragment, this includes the number of electrons in each fragment as well as the multiplicity/spin of each fragment.

molecule compatible

The fragments should be usable anywhere Molecule objects are.

FragmentedMolecule APIs

To construct a FragmentedMolecule:

// It's assumed users already have a Molecule object
Molecule a_molecule = make_a_molecule_object();

FragmentedMolecule null; // See FragmentedBase for more details
FragmentedMolecule empty(a_molecule); // Empty

// If you already have fragmented nuclei:
FragmentedNuclei frags = make_fragments();
FragmentedMolecule has_frags(frags, a_molecule); // dispatches to next ctor
FragmentedMolecule has_frags2(frags, a_molecule.charge(), a_molecule.multiplicity());

// If you also want to set the charges and multiplicities
// Here we have fragment which is a neutral singlet and another which is a
// doublet with a charge of +1
auto charges = {0, 1};
auto multiplicities = {1, 2};
FragmentedMolecule has_frags3(frags, a_molecule, charges, multiplicities);

A couple of notes on the above:

  • make_a_molecule_object and make_fragments are opaque functions which respectively encapsulate creating a Molecule and a FragmentedNuclei object. The details of these functions are irrelevant for our purposes.

  • Similar to FragmentedNuclei we expect that FragmentedMolecule objects will be created as part of an algorithm rather than defining the entire state initially.

  • Charges and multiplicities are assumed to be such that the 0-th fragment in frags is the neutral singlet and the 1-st is the +1 doublet.

Following from the second note we expect the following to be the usual workflow:

for(const auto& frag_i : has_frags){
   auto charge, mult  = compute_electronic_state(frag_i.nuclei());

Notably this just builds off of the functionality of MoleculeView.

FragmentView Design


Fig. 13 State of the FragmentedMolecule class and its relationship to related classes.

Fig. 13 shows the design of the FragmentedMolecule class and its relationship to other classes in Chemist. Stemming from the molecule state consideration, the FragmentedMolecule class contains a FragmentedNuclei object and two containers which hold the number of electrons per fragment and the spin/multiplicity of the fragments.


molecule state

FragmentedMolecule objects contain enough data to construct MoleculeView objects for each fragment.

molecule compatible

Fragments are returned as MoleculeView objects, which can be implicitly converted to Molecule objects.