Designing the Fragmenting Component

This page records the high-level design decisions which went into Chemist’s Fragmenting component.

What is the Fragmenting Component?

Most computational chemistry energy methods compute the energy of a target chemical system. Some methods do this by breaking the target chemical system into pieces. Each piece, or “fragment” is meant to simulate a subset of the target system (the target system is often called the “supersystem” to emphasize the sub-/super-set relationship of the two). Chemist’s Fragmenting component is charged with providing classes for representing fragments.

Why Do We Need a Fragmenting Component?

In addition to fragment-based methods, i.e., methods which approximate the target system’s properties via the (generalized) many-body expansion, methods such as QM/MM and ONIOM also rely on sub-/super-set relationships. We thus will have a need to represent these sub-/super-set relationships in the inputs/outputs to algorithms. The fragmenting component is charged with providing the user with the classes needed to express these relationships.

For many people the next question may be “why do we need a whole component for this vs. say just using std::vector<Molecule> objects?” The answer is performance. Particularly for large supersystems the number of subsets can be very large (n.b., the number of terms in the full MBE grows exponentially in the number of subsets). Storing all of those subsets as individual objects requires a large amount of memory and leads to inefficient operations, e.g., using Molecule::operator== will compare the full state, but since the subsets contain atoms from the same superset, we can get by with determining if say atom 1 is in both sets. Ultimately, as described in the next section, the fragmenting component will need to parallel the chemical system component (and potentially other Chemist components) and we have thus opted to decuple fragmenting from the component(s) being fragmented.

Fragmenting Considerations

chemical system class

Most fragments stem from decomposing a chemical system. In Chemist, chemical systems are modeled by the ChemicalSystem class and thus fragments should be defined with respect to a ChemicalSystem object.

  • As a corollary, we also want fragments of a ChemicalSystem to be usable wherever ChemicalSystem objects are used.

chemical system hierarchy

The ChemicalSystem class is actually a hierarchy of classes. Conceptually the easiest way to fragment a ChemicalSystem object is to fragment it piece-by-piece, i.e., we expect users to first fragment the Nuclei within the ChemicalSystem, then assign electrons to those Nuclei objects to make Molecule objects, and then assign external fields to the Molecule objects to create ChemicalSystem objects.

  • Similar to chemical system class we want fragments of Nuclei and Molecule objects to be usable wherever Nuclei and Molecule objects are usable.


When the supersystem contains large covalently-bonded molecules, fragments will usually severe covalent bonds. One of the most common strategies for dealing with this is to “cap” the broken bond with a monovalent atom (or sometimes set of atoms).

  • When a fragment is passed to an algorithm meant for a traditional Nuclei, Molecule, or ChemicalSystem which elements come from caps and which come from the supersystem is irrelevant; however, this changes for algorithms needing to assemble the resulting properties.

non-disjoint fragments

Historically fragments have resulted from partitioning the supersystem, i.e., each nucleus appears in one, and only one, fragment. More recently methods which rely on non-disjoint fragments have been developed too. The Fragmenting component should avoid assuming that fragments are disjoint.

general use

As motivated above, a number of methods require fragmenting a ChemicalSystem object. The Fragmenting component should avoid assuming a particular method of fragmentation strategy.

Out of Scope


A lot of (generalized) many-body expansion methods distinguish between fragments and unions of fragments (an “n-mer” being the union of n fragments). In practice, if one views a set of n-mers as set of non-disjoint fragments, the “n-mer” distinction becomes somewhat immaterial. Thus, because of the non-disjoint fragments consideration we feel that the Fragmenting component does not need to distinguish between fragments and n-mers.

Expansion coefficients.

Usually the properties of the fragments are combined as a linear combination. The weights of this linear expansion will be stored elsewhere. Part of the motivation for not including the weights here is that in many cases the weights depend on more than just the fragment/field, e.g., they may also depend on the AO basis set (think basis set superposition error corrections) and/or level of theory (think QM/MM or other multi-layered theories).

Fragmenting API

Most fragmentation workflows start with an already created ChemicalSystem class and then fragment that. Below is the proposed workflow and APIs for fragmenting a ChemicalSystem.

// Opaquely creates the system to fragment
ChemicalSystem sys = get_chemical_system();

// Step 1. We start by assigning nuclei to fragments.

// This will be the sets of nuclei in each fragment
FragmentedNuclei frag_nuclei(sys.molecule().nuclei());

// Usually assigning nuclei to fragments is much more complicated than this
// but for illustrative purposes we just make each fragment a single nucleus
for(auto i = 0; i < mol.nuclei().size(); ++i){

// Step 2. In many cases fragmenting will break covalent bonds and we will
// need to cap the nuclei.

// For demonstrative purposes we assume that there was only a bond between
// nuclei 0 and 1 that needs capped
frag_nuclei.add_cap(0, 1, Nucleus{...}); // Cap attached to 0, replacing 1
frag_nuclei.add_cap(1, 0, Nucleus{...}); // Cap attached to 1, replacing 0

// Step 3. Need to assign electrons to the fragments

// This will hold the "Molecule" piece of each fragment
FragmentedMolecule frag_mol(sys.molecule());

for(NucleiView frag_i : frag_nuclei){
    // Adds nuclei (and caps) and declares it as a neutral singlet
    frag_mol.insert(frag_i, 0, 1);

// Step 4. Assign fields to each fragment

// This will hold the final fragments (which are each a ChemicalSystem)
FragmentedChemicalSystem frag_sys(sys);

for(MoleculeView frag_i : frag_mol){
 // Adds molecule and its external field
 frag_sys.insert(frag_i, ...);

Fragmenting Design

The chemical system hierarchy consideration means that our architecture will need to mirror the chemical system hierarchy. There’s at least two ways to do this:

  • FragmentedNuclei, FragmentedMolecule, etc. or

  • Fragmented<Nuclei>, Fragmented<Molecule>, etc.

Which brings us to the question “To template or not to template?”

A class template like Fragmented<T> works best if the same definition works for most valid choices of T. If however Fragmented<T> would need to be specialized for most valid choices of T there is little to gain over the non-templated option. To this end we note the types differ in that:

  • Fragmented Nuclei must worry about caps.

  • Fragmented Molecule must worry about the electrons per fragment.

  • Fragmented ChemicalSystem must worry about the fields per fragment.

That said there’s also common aspects like:

  • Fragmented<T> objects all store T objects.

  • Fragmented<T> is container-like (i.e., needs at, size, etc.)


Fig. 8 Architecture summary of the Fragmenting component of Chemist.

Ultimately we have opted for the architecture shown in Fig. 8. The major pieces are summarized below.

FragmentedBase Class

Full discussion: Designing the FragmentedBase Class

As we briefly touched on when debating whether to have a class template or not, the containers of FragmentedNuclei, FragmentedMolecule, and FragmentedChemicalSystem have some common functionality, like accessing the superset. The FragmentedBase<T> class template is introduced to factor out common functionality. Here the template type parameter T is the class which derives from FragmentedBase<T> and is used to implement FragmentedBase<T> via the curiously recurring template pattern (CRTP). The use of CRTP makes slicing unlikely.

FragmentedNuclei Class

Full discussion: Designing the FragmentedNuclei Class.

Stemming from chemical system hierarchy we know we will have to fragment each piece of the ChemicalSystem hierarchy. The most fundamental piece is the Nuclei part of the ChemicalSystem class and the FragmentedNuclei class is charged with representing a fragmented Nuclei object. The FragmentedNuclei object determines whether the fragments are disjoint or not. This is done based on whether or not any given nucleus appears in more than one fragment. If a system contains caps, the nuclei for those caps live in the FragmentedNuclei object.

FragmentedMolecule Class

Full discussion: Designing the FragmentedMolecule Class.

The FragmentedMolecule class is responsible for holding fragments taken from a Molecule object. It is composed of a FragmentedNuclei object, the charges of each fragment, and the multiplicities of each fragment.

FragmentedChemicalSystem Class

Full discussion: Designing the FragmentedChemicalSystem Class.

The FragmentedChemicalSystem class is designed to hold fragments taken from a ChemicalSystem object. At present this simply entails holding a FragmentedMolecule object, but will eventually include holding the fields for each fragment as well.

Capping Component

Full discussion: Capping Design.

The last key piece of the Fragmenting component is the capping subcomponent and its major classes: Cap and CapSet. Capping is introduced in response to the caps consideration. The use of a separate CapSet class, as opposed to just adding the caps to a Nuclei object, facilitates telling the caps from the “real” nuclei. Furthermore the caps have additional state beyond that of a nucleus (or set of nuclei) including what nuclei they replace and what nuclei they are attached to.


chemical system class

Fragmenting a ChemicalSystem results in a container-like object of type FragmentedChemicalSystem, the elements of the resulting object are the fragments of the supersystem. Fragments are implicitly convertible to ChemicalSystem references in order to leverage existing algorithms.

chemical system hierarchy

This consideration is essentially a generalization of chemical system class and is addressed by FragmentedNuclei, FragmentedMolecule, and FragmentedChemicalSystem. Each of which maps to a respective class in the ChemicalSystem class hierarchy.


The capping component is charged with representing the caps. The nuclei for the caps are added to the system in the FragmentedNuclei object. The electrons are added in the FragmentedMolecule object.

non-disjoint fragments

This consideration is ultimately a design consideration of the FragmentedNuclei class.

general use

The Fragmenting component is largely made up of a container-like object and objects supporting that container. The classes use generic language which is widely applicable across scenarios.

Additional Notes

This design discussion was started as part of Chemist PR#361.