Understanding Runtime Initialization/Finalization

MPI requires users to call MPI_Init to start MPI and MPI_Finalize to end it. MPI requires that each of these functions be called only once, regardless of how many code units actually use MPI, i.e., managing the lifetime of resources such as MPI processes and adhering to RAII can be tricky. This page works through some scenarios to help the reader become better acquainted with the complexities.


ParallelZone opts to manage MPI through RAII. To do this we associate the lifetime of MPI with the lifetime of a Runtime object. When a Runtime object is created it is either initialized with an existing MPI communicator or it initializes MPI and then uses the MPI communicator resulting from initialization. Each Runtime object internally tracks whether it initialized MPI or not. When a Runtime object is destructed it will only call MPI_Finalize if *this initialized MPI.


At present there is no user-accessible Runtime object, rather users interact with an implicit Runtime through RuntimeView objects. When all RuntimeView objects go out of scope the implicit Runtime object is destructed. This decision stems from not wanting accidental/implicit copies to inadvertently shut down MPI.

Traditional Solution

Many existing libraries deal with the MPI problem in one of two ways:

  1. Assume the user will manage MPI. Thus the library requires the user to provide an already initialized MPI communicator.

  2. Define functions like initialize / finalize which wrap MPI’s MPI_Init / MPI_Finalize functions respectively.

From the perspective of PZ Scenario 1 is the easiest to deal with because it means PZ is free to manage the lifetime of MPI however it wants, so long as MPI is finalized after the library is done with it. Scenario 1 works well with our RAII solution “out of the box” and is not considered further.

Scenario 2 is much harder because we know the library’s initialize and finalize functions will contain MPI functions. This is because they will minimally contain MPI_Init and MPI_Finalize, but the functions may also check if MPI has been initialized and finalized (this is a common practice to avoid accidentally calling MPI_Init/MPI_Finalize after MPI has already been initialize/finalized). It is also conceivable that these functions do additional initialization/finalization which requires MPI to be initialized, but not yet finalized, e.g., calls to synchronize data.

RAII Interacting With Traditional Solution

In Traditional Solution we noted that when a library provides its own initialize / finalize functions (which we called “Scenario 2”) RAII interactions become more complicated. It’s worth noting that Scenario 2 has two sub-scenarios:

  1. User should only call initialize and finalize if the library is managing MPI.

  2. The user should always call initialize and finalize.

Each of these sub-scenarios can occur interact with ParallelZone in one of two states: PZ started MPI or PZ did not start MPI. Sub-scenario a is essentially the same as Scenario 1 in Traditional Solution if ParallelZone starts MPI. If, however, the library starts MPI we have:

initialize(); // library starts MPI
auto comm = get_mpi_communicator_from_library();
RuntimeView rv(comm); // PZ uses MPI from library

finalize(); // library releases MPI
// end of code, rv is released

This is fine so long as destruction of rv is guaranteed not to use any MPI functions (which we ultimately will not be able to guarantee, but we’ll get to that). For now we note that there is a better way to write this which will work even if rv calls MPI functions, namely we force rv to go out of scope before finalize is called:

initialize(); // library starts MPI
    auto comm = get_mpi_communicator_from_library();
    RuntimeView rv(comm); // PZ uses MPI from library
    // rv is released

finalize(); // library releases MPI
// end of code

Moving on Scenario 2b, if the library starts MPI it is identical to when the library starts MPI in Scenario 2a and no further comment is necessary. The remaining condition is Scenario 2b with ParallelZone starting MPI:

RuntimeView rv; // ParallelZone starts MPI
auto comm = rv.mpi_comm();
initialize(comm); // library uses MPI from PZ

// end of code, PZ releases MPI

This is okay as long as rv is guaranteed to be in scope when finalize is called.

RAII Plus Encapsulation

RAII Interacting With Traditional Solution showed that our RAII solution is fine as long as we control the order of destruction. This is a detail we’d rather not leak to the user, especially if more initialization/finalization functions are added later (or if some are removed). With the traditional solution we can easily encapsulate this detail with something like:

void initialize() {

void finalize() {

// User's code
initialize(); // A initializes MPI, then B uses A's MPI

finalize(); // B cleans up, then A finalizes MPI

As shown, the order of initialization/finalization is guaranteed by creating wrappers around sub-library initialization/finalization. Users rely on the wrappers and never need to worry about the order.

So now what about RAII? Let’s start with Scenario 2b, and ParallelZone starting MPI:

RuntimeView initialize() {
    RuntimeView rv; // PZ starts MPI
    return rv; // Must keep rv alive

void finalize() {

// User's code
auto rv = initialize();

finalize(); // library finalizes
// end of code, PZ ends MPI

While this works, it violates RAII because the user needs to remember to call finalize before the code ends or else there will be a resource leak. The entire point of RAII is to avoid the possibility of leaks. If we want our RuntimeView to adhere to RAII we must find a way for the destructor of rv to call finalize before it stops MPI. The easiest way to do this is with callbacks:

RuntimeView initialize() {
    RuntimeView rv; // PZ starts MPI

    // Register that rv must call finalize upon destruction
    return rv; // Must keep rv alive

// User's code
auto rv = initialize();

// end of code, PZ's dtor calls library_a::finalize() then ends MPI


  • MPI leaks initialization/finalization concerns to all dependencies.

  • This has led to many libraries leaking those same details to their dependencies too.

  • When ParallelZone manages MPI we can use RAII to avoid leaking those details to our dependencies.

  • RAII however requires that RuntimeView be able to hold callbacks.