Documenting Modules in a Collection

This page shows how to document the modules in your module collection using the document_modules function in the SDE. This page assumes that you can create a module collection according to About Module Collections and Loading a Module Collection.

Generate the Documentation

This section explains the steps necessary to generate documentation for modules in a given module collection. To cut straight to the point, see the full documentation program code below in Example Program.

Currently, documentation generation is expected to be performed in its own binary, which we will refer to as build_docs here. This program must include both the sde::printing::document_modules function and the load_modules function defined for your modules.

#include <filesystem>

// TODO: Replace with the header containing your ``load_modules`` definition
#include "load_modules.hpp"

Next, set up a sde::ModuleManager and load your modules with the load_modules you wrote.

    // Set up module manager
    pluginplay::ModuleManager mm;

    // TODO: Load your modules

The final step is to generate documentation through sde::printing::document_modules, by providing your ModuleManager instance (mm here) and the std::filesystem::path to an existing directory where the documentation should be output (doc_path here). How this path is generated is a detail left to the developer’s discretion. For simplicity in the example below, the first command line argument is assumed to be a valid path, although more validation may be necessary.

    // Generate module documentation at the given path
    pluginplay::printing::document_modules(mm, docs_path);

Example Program

The following code is a minimal example program generating documentation for the test modules in SDE. Modify the code according to the TODO comments to generate documentation for your modules.

#include <filesystem>
#include <pluginplay/printing/document_modules.hpp>

// TODO: Replace with the header containing your ``load_modules`` definition
#include "load_modules.hpp"

namespace fs = std::filesystem;

namespace pluginplay_examples {

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    // Need docs_path
    // This example assumes it is the first command line argument, but this
    // should be validated in actual code.
    fs::path docs_path(argv[1]);

    // Set up module manager
    pluginplay::ModuleManager mm;

    // TODO: Load your modules

    // Generate module documentation at the given path
    pluginplay::printing::document_modules(mm, docs_path);

    return 0;

} // namespace pluginplay_examples