About Module Collections

As mentioned in the intro to this chapter, module collections are groups of modules that are distributed together. In C++ module collections are libraries. In Python they are Python modules. For the purposes of this page we assume that our library/module is called OurModule

C++ Set-Up

The atual structure of your source code is arbitary; however, one popular choice is to follow typical GNU standards. In this case your module collection’s source code will look something like:

|-- include/
|   `-- our_module/
|       `-- our_module.hpp
`-- src/
    `-- our_module/
        |-- module1.cpp
        |-- module2.cpp
        |-- modules.hpp
        `-- our_module.cpp


  • the include/ directory contains the public API,

  • our_module.hpp includes the load_modules function (TODO: add link) and any other headers needed to use the collection,

  • the src/ directory contains the implementation of the collection,

  • module1.cpp and module2.cpp are the implementation of the modules,

  • modules.hpp contains the declaration of the modules, and

  • our_module.cpp contains the definition of the load_modules function.

In practice you will also have build system files, readmes, licenses, unit tests (hopefully), etc, but from the perspective of the pluginplay those are the key parts.

Python Set-Up

TODO: Write Me!!!!