Einstein Summation Convention

The purpose of this page is to give a primer on the Einstein summation conventions and to point out why they are useful and when they can’t be used.


Many tensor operations involve summing over pairs of repeated indices. For example, the inner-product between two vectors, \(\mathbf{u}\) and \(\mathbf{v}\), looks like:

\[c = \sum_{i} u_i v_i.\]

Other prominent examples include the product of a vector \(\mathbf{v}\) with a matrix \(\mathbf{M}\), \(\mathbf{vM}\):

\[\left[\mathbf{vM}\right]_j = \sum_{i} v_i M_{ij}\]

and the matrix-matrix product, \(\mathbf{C}\), between two matrices \(\mathbf{A}\) and \(\mathbf{B}\):

\[C_{ij} = \sum_{k} A_{ik}B_{kj}.\]

Given the prevalence of such tensor operations people wanting to save some writing/typing often forgo the explicit summation symbols and agree on a summation convention which says that pairs of repeated indices appearing in a term are summed over. This summation convention was brought to physics by Albert Einstein in his work on general relativity and is thus commonly known as the Einstein summation convention. Using the Einstein summation convention the above three equations would look like:

\[\begin{split}c =& u_i v_i\\ \left[\mathbf{vM}\right]_j =& \sum_{i} v_i M_{ij}\\ C_{ij} =& \sum_{k} A_{ik}B_{kj}\end{split}\]

The traditional Einstein summation convention doesn’t allow for element-wise products like (note there is no implicit summation in the next equation):

\[C_{ij} = A_{ij}B_{ij}.\]

Making the observation that indices which are summed over only appear on one side of the equation. We can define a “generalized Einstein summation convention” which says that if an index only appears on a single side of an equation it is implicitly summed over. Note that this also relaxes the “pair” restriction so summing over a row of a matrix to form a vector, i.e.,

\[v_j = \sum_{i} A_{ij}\]

could be written using the generalized Einstein summation convention as:

\[v_j = A_{ij}\]

similarly the trace of \(\mathbf{A}\) can be written:

\[Tr\left(\mathbf{A}\right) = A_{ii}.\]

For the purposes of TensorWrapper, generalized Einstein summation convention allows us to write many tensor operations in a user-friendly manner. For example the above equations

// Vector-vector inner-product
TensorWrapper c, u, v;
c("") = u("i") * v("i");

// Vector-matrix product
TensorWrapper M, vM;
vM("j") = v("i") * M("i,j");

// Matrix-matrix product
TensorWrapper C, A, B;
C("i,j") = A("i,k") * B("k,j");

// Element-wise matrix product
C("i,j") = A("i,j") * B("i,j");

// Summing over a row of a matrix
v("j") = A("i,j");

// Trace of a matrix
c("") = A("i,i");


Traditional Einstein summation convention is usually said to be limited to pairs of repeated indices because repeating an index three or more times is ambiguous (e.g., see here). Consider the equation:

\[u_{i} = v_{i}B_{ii}.\]

Traditional Einstein summation convention requires that we must sum over pairs of repeated indices. Since \(i\) appears more than once we must sum it. There are three possible ways to sum over pairs of \(i\). For clarity, we perform a dummy index transformation so that we are summing over \(j\) instead:

\[u_{i} = \sum_{j} v_j B_{ji}\]


\[u_{i} = \sum_{j} v_{j}B_{ij}\]


\[u_{i} = \sum_{j} v_{i} B_{jj}.\]

We however argue that none of these interpretations are in the spirit of conventional summation notation because changing the value of a dummy index must be done to all occurrences of the dummy index in order to preserve the meaning. Even for vectors we can not selectively change dummy indices without changing the meaning, i.e.,

\[\sum_{i} u_iv_i \neq \sum_{ij} u_iv_j.\]

The general Einstein summation convention has no ambiguity for three repeated indices and, consistent with conventional summation conventions, recognizes \(u_i=v_iB_{ii}\) as the product of \(\mathbf{v}\) and the diagonal of \(\mathbf{B}\). In fact, generalized Einstein summation convention has no ambiguity since every index is either summed over, or not, based on whether it appears on one or both sides of an equation respectively. Indices which must have the same values in each term must be assigned the same letter. Indices which are allowed to vary independently must be assigned different letters.

That said, in dynamic programming situations it can be hard to ensure indices are chosen in a manner which adheres to the general Einstein summation convention. For example, it is not unreasonable to write something like:

auto l = [](std::size_t i){
    auto [A, B]  = build_tensors_from_parameter(i);
    return A("i,k")*B("k,j");
auto rhs = l(0) + l(1);
TensorWrapper C;
C("i,j") = rhs;

The idea being we have a function which generates terms for an expression, then the caller of the function assembles those terms into a larger expression before ultimately assigning it to an indexed tensor. As written the above would generate an expression which looks something like (note that A and B in the lambda are temporary variable names):

C("i,j") = A("i,k")*B("k,j")* D("i,k")*E("k,j");

This is an unambiguous expression, with summations inserted it’s equivalent to:

\[C_{ij} = \sum_{k}\left(A_{ik}B_{kj}D_{ik}E_{kj}\right)\]

which is not the same as:

\[C_{ij} = \sum_{kl}\left(A_{ik}B_{kj}D_{il}E_{lj}\right).\]

Point being, if the intent of the function calls was to return a matrix in a factorized form, they needed to choose different contraction indices in each call. Generally speaking, generalized Einstein summation convention is best applied to binary operations and not to nested expressions.