TensorWrapper Terminology

When discussing tensors, different researchers use different terminology. This section provides a glossary of the tensor terminology we will use throughout TensorWrapper. The terminology is inspired by the initial tensor interface efforts of the MolSSI organization (see here).

Tensor Terminology

Terms are listed alphabetically.


We use the term block to generically refer to a sub-tensor. Blocks can be either chip or slice depending on how their rank compares to that of the parent tensor.


A chip of a tensor is similar to a slice, but the resulting tensor has lower rank. The distinction between chip and slice is important because of the ambiguity associated with taking slices with extents of length one along one or more modes. For example, say we ask for the first row of a matrix with \(n\) columns. Does the user want a 1 by \(n\) matrix or an \(n\)-element vector? Chip vs. slice resolves this ambiguity. If the user asked for the row as a slice, they get back a matrix, if they asked for the row as a chip they get back a vector.


Tensors are typically thought of as hyper-rectangular arrays of floating-point values. These individual values are termed “elements”. Elements do not need to be floating-point values; they can be integers, strings, or even other tensors. The important part is that the elements form a mathematical field. For a rank \(n\) tensor, an individual element can be specified by providing the offset along each of the \(n\) modes. Other common names for elements include “components”.


The number of elements along a mode. For a vector, the extent of the vector is the total number of elements in the vector. A matrix has two extents: the number of rows and the number of columns. Outside TensorWrapper other common names for extent are length, dimension, and size.


Elements of a nested tensor \(\mathbf{J}\) are tensors themselves. If the shapes of the elements of \(\mathbf{J}\) differ, then \(\mathbf{J}\) is jagged. Put another way, let \(j_i\) and \(k_i\) be slice s of \(\mathbf{J}\) along the \(i\)-th mode, then if for any mode of \(\mathbf{J}\) there exists a \(j_i\) and a \(k_i\) with different shapes, \(\mathbf{J}\) is jagged.


We typically think of vectors as a column (or row) of numbers, matrices are thought of as tables of numbers (thus each entry has a row and a column associated with it), etc. The point is typically we think of tensors as hyper- rectangular arrays of values. “mode” is the generic term we use for referring to a row or a column (or a higher-dimension analog). Put another way, if specifying an element of a tensor requires specifying \(n\) indices, then that tensor has \(n\) modes. Outside TensorWrapper other common names for mode are dimension.


When discussing the literal geometry of the rectangular array in which the values are laid out, we will usually say “\(n\)-dimensional rectangular array.” This is because when referring to literal geometric shapes (i.e., rectangles, squares, rectangular prisms, cubes, etc.) the use of “mode” is not standard practice.


Mathematically speaking a tensor is a multilinear map over a field. Practically, the field defines the set of values the elements of a tensor may have. While we usually assume that field associated with a tensor is the field of real (or complex) numbers, mathematically there is no such restrictions. Indeed, we sometimes find it useful to use other fields (such as fields whose elements are tensors of a rank greater than 0). We say a tensor is nested if its elements are tensors of rank greater than 0. Nesting can be confusing and is covered in more detail on the Understanding Nested Tensors page.


A tensor, or more typically a slice of a tensor, is on-demand if the elements of the tensor are computed when needed, then discarded. On-demand tensors typically store a callback which is capable of building a specified slice of a tensor. The slice will exist in memory, but will not be stored in the tensor.


The number of mode s a tensor has. A scalar is a rank 0 tensor, a vector is rank 1 tensor, a matrix is a rank 2 tensor, etc. Outside TensorWrapper other common names are dimensionality and order.


The hyper-rectangular layout of a tensor is not unique. We can just as easily treat an \(m\) by \(n\) matrix as a vector with \(nm\) elements. When converting a tensor into a vector, the process is usually termed vectorization. More generally, this process is termed reshaping as it changes the shape of the tensor from an \(m\)-dimensional hyper-rectangular array to an \(n\)-dimensional hyper-rectangular array (\(m\neq n\)).


The shape of a tensor is the set containing the extent of each mode. The shape defines the edge lengths of the hyper-rectangular array the elements are stored in. Since the number of edge lengths is the rank of the tensor, the shape also contains that information.


A sub-tensor of a tensor. A “proper” slice contains less elements than the tensor it originates from. We require slices to have the same rank as the original tensor. If a sub-tensor has a lower rank it is referred to as a chip.


While not a widely used term, it is helpful to introduce a term to contrast with jagged. We define a “smooth” nested tensor to be a tensor which is not jagged. Put another way, let \(j_i\) and \(k_i\) be slice s of \(\mathbf{S}\) along the \(i\)-th mode, then if for all modes of \(\mathbf{S}\) every pair \(j_i\) and a \(k_i\) has the same shape, \(\mathbf{S}\) is smooth.

Computer Science Terminology


The “arity” of a function indicates the number of arguments it takes. Functions taking zero arguments are called “nullary”. Functions taking one argument are “unary”. Functions taking two, three, and four arguments respectively are: “binary”, “ternary”, and “quaternary”.

abstract syntax tree (AST)

With respect to source code, an abstract syntax tree (AST) is a representation of the structure of what the programmer wrote, whereas a concrete syntax tree (CST) contains the literal representation of what the programmer wrote. Carrying out the programmed instructions is easier by traversing an AST, versus a CST, because extraneous information has been removed.

concrete syntax tree (CST)

With respect to source code, a concrete syntax tree (CST) is a representation of the literal source code the programmer wrote. The CST contains all details of the source code, including how the programmer chose to represent a particular concept. Distilling out the essential concepts leads to an abstract syntax tree (AST).

domain specific language (DSL)

A domain specific language (DSL) is a coding language targeted at a particular domain of applications. Compared to general-purpose coding languages, DSLs tend to contain fewer language primitives on account of the DSL only concerning itself with being general enough to express operations within the target domain. The DSL in TensorWrapper targets the domain of tensor math and is designed to makes it easy to express tensor operations in a performant manner.

Mathematics Terminology

directed acyclic graph (DAG)

A graph is a series of nodes and edges which represents what pieces of a system are connected (nodes being the pieces of the system and edges being the connections). An acyclic graph is one where there are no cycles, i.e., if node 0 is connected to node 1 and node 1 is connected to node 2, node 2 can NOT be connected to node 0. Finally, a directed graph has edges with directionality, i.e., edges are arrows where the tail points from the calling node to the callee.


A field is a set of elements along with two operations, usually termed addition and multiplication. Addition and multiplication behave like the traditional addition and multiplication operations, i.e., both addition and multiplication are commutative and associative, and multiplication distributes over addition. Finally, each non-zero element in the set must also posses an additive and multiplicative inverse (zero elements will have only an additive inverse).


Two mathematical objects (e.g., spaces, fields, sets of numbers) are said to be isomorphic if there exists an invertible, bijective map from one object to the other. Practically, isomorphisms can be thought of as a generalization of equality. Whereas equality usually requires two objects to be indistinguishable, isomorphism only requires the objects to behave the same, i.e., the two objects can be thought of as different representations of a more fundamental object.