Design of the Python Binding Architecture

Section Why is the NWChemEx API Written in Python? discusses why we want a Python API for NWChemEx. This page records the decisions which went into designing NWChemEx’s Python bindings.

What are Python bindings?

Presently, by “Python bindings” we are specifically referring to code forming an interoperability layer between C/C++ code and Python. This layer allows Python objects, functions, data, etc. to seamlessly interact with C++ objects, functions, data, etc. and vice versa.

Why do we need Python bindings?

Following from the design discussion in Why is the NWChemEx API Written in Python?, NWChemEx’s high-level API is assumed to be Python-based, but the guts of NWChemEx are written in C++. Hence, to expose the C++ guts to Python we will need to write Python bindings.

Python Binding Considerations

In creating our Python bindings, and choosing the library to help us create the bindings, we have identified the following considerations:

Different languages

Fundamentally Python and C++ are different coding languages. They rely on different assumptions, have different designs, are fundamentally implemented different, and embrace different coding paradigms. The point is there is no perfect one-to-one mapping between C++ and Python and the developer may need to step in to ensure the conversion happens in the manner best aligned with the specific interface.

  • While Python and C++ have no one-to-one mapping, the reality is that there is a “pretty obvious” mapping for many of the features. Our solution should be easy to apply, if not automatic, for such features.

Full featured

We expect that C++ developers will use the full extent of the C++ language and that Python developers will too. We thus reject solutions which require the developer to limit the features they use throughout the code.

  • Combined with Different languages we must also acknowledge that at the C++/Python API we may need to limit language features in order to perform the handoff. Once the handoff is accomplished, solutions which satisfy Full featured will allow users to resume using the full feature set of the respective language.

Native APIs

C++ APIs should be defined purely using C++, and Python bindings should be defined purely with Python. Any conversions needed to go from one language to the other should happen under the hood.

  • In practical terms, this means that Python users should not need to worry about pointers, templates, references, etc. and C++ users should not have to worry about the GIL (Python’s global interpreter lock), garbage collection (on the Python side), etc.

Minimally invasive

Ideally Python bindings should be created in the least invasive manner possible. The ideal solution will live organically with the existing C++ source files or exist in Python. Namely we want to avoid solutions which require us to rely on too many external tools, or intermediate markup languages.

  • We particularly want to avoid source-to-source translators as they have a tendency to have underwhelming performance and limited feature sets.

  • As a corollary, it is fine if the tool internally uses an intermediate representation; Minimally invasive is really focused on avoiding making the developer produce a representation of the code in a language other than C++ or Python.

Easily maintained

As NWChemEx grows we expect the API to grow as well. Python bindings will need to be created for the new APIs and ideally whatever Python binding solution we go with should be accessible to developers and easily extendable.

Active support

Our goal is for the Python bindings of NWChemEx to live for as long as the NWChemEx project does. This requires our Python binding solution to also be maintained over the course of this time period. The ideal solution should be well supported, not only in terms of development, but also in terms of documentation and/or StackOverflow-like help.

Existing Choices

Writing bindings directly with Python’s C API is a tedious task. For that reason, a variety of software libraries/packages have been created with the intent of aiding in generating Python bindings. They are listed below (in alphabetical order) along with brief summaries.


Obligatory disclaimer. We are NOT experts in all of the packages listed in this section. The summaries have been assembled based on documentation and examples provided by the packages. We have done our best to accurately reflect the state of these packages, but it is possible that what we have inferred does not actually represent the state of the packages. We also acknowledge that the descriptions for packages we have used are heavily biased based on our experiences with those packages.


Boost.Python was one of the “OG” binding libraries to rely on template meta- programming to dramatically simplify the process of binding C++ code. Its inclusion in the Boost libraries makes it a very heavy dependency (if your code does not already use Boost). At this point in time, the C++ community overwhelming seems to prefer pybind11 over Boost.Python, but Boost.Python continues to be maintained largely for backwards compatibility.


  • Part of the Boost libraries (not going anywhere any time soon).

  • Very robust library.


  • Part of the Boost libraries (heavy dependency).

  • Performance. pybind11 (an admittedly very biased source) seems to suggest that in order to live up to Boost’s lofty standards the performance of the bindings suffer.

C Foreign Function Interface (CFFI)

TODO: Look at CFFI


Cppyy 3 piggybacks off of the LLVM suite of tools to fully automate the creation of dynamic Python bindings. In practice, the automatic bindings are created using Cppyy’s own one-to-one mapping between C++ and Python. It is worth noting, that because of Different languages, this one-to-one mapping is not unique and represents the preferences of the Cppyy maintainers.


  • Bindings are generated automatically. No boilerplate!!

  • Use of LLVM makes it future-proof (bindings evolve with the compilers).

  • Supports packaging bindings for distribution.

  • Used by a number of high-profile projects at CERN.


  • Appears to have more or less a single maintainer.

  • Tied to LLVM. If underlying C++ is not compiled with LLVM, you are forced to mix compilers.

  • Automatically generated bindings are not Pythonic.

    • Bindings are in cppyy.gbl namespace, not the package’s namespace. Must be extracted as part of the package’s initialization.

    • Leaks purely C++ concepts like pointers, references, and templates into Python. Package maintainers must write Python wrappers around the bindings to avoid leaking these concepts to the user.

  • Bindings learned from inspecting headers, which, especially for template classes/functions, have a tendency to leak a lot of low-level APIs (take a look at how much code is included just by doing #include <vector>).

  • The exact process of how Cppyy forms its one-to-one mapping between C++ and Python is not easily grasped without familiarity with LLVM’s internal representation.

    • As a corollary, determining when Cppyy’s binding decisions need to be overridden is tricky for most package maintainers and in practice requires extensive unit, integration, and acceptance testing of the generated bindings in order to determine when expectations differ.

  • Choosing what gets exposed needs to be done on a per file basis, i.e., if you don’t want the contents of a file to be exposed to Python, don’t let Cppyy process that file. This may require refactoring C++ source code in order to hide files.

  • Packaging bindings, so they do not need to be generated on-the-fly each run and can be reliably distributed is complicated and somewhat poorly documented.

    • It appears to require using rootcling (a seemingly niche tool), or genreflex (which appears to be a wrapper around rootcling). This process is somehow related to “Dictionaries” (not in the Python sense), XML selection files, and rootmap files. How this all comes together is not really clear.

  • Cppyy seems to acknowledge the packaging problems (see here) and provides a CMake solution; however, it is not compatible with modern CMake practices (namely target-based build systems).


TODO: Look ctypes over.


TODO: Look Cython over


nanobind 1 is from the original author of pybind11 and was started because he wanted to create a more streamlined, more performant python binding library, while still supporting pybind11. The API and usage of nanobind is largely the same as pybind11


  • Better performance compared to Boost.Python and pybind11.

  • Essentially a subset of pybind11 (if nanobind becomes vaporware, can easily fall back to pybind11)


  • Same as pybind11: verbose boilerplate and manual exposure of C++.

  • Relatively new project, could turn into vaporware.

  • At present expects you to install via pip (does not easily integrate with CMake).


pybind11 2 has largely replaced Boost.Python as the predominant mechanism for exposing C/C++ code to Python. The API of pybind11 is modeled after that of Boost.Python, but is significantly simpler on account of pybind11 requiring minimum C++11 (Boost.Python is based on C++03). More specifically, using C pre-processor macros, users register the C++ classes and functions they want to expose to Python. pybind11 then creates the Python bindings based on the information provided during the registration process.


  • Heavily used, widely supported.

  • Used in Tensorflow and PyTorch.

  • More lightweight than Boost.Python.

  • Header-only.

  • Bindings are rolled into C++ library for easy packaging.


  • Verbose C++ boilerplate for exposing C++.

  • Exposing C++ classes and functions must be done manually.

  • Template-based API may be off putting to inexperienced C++ developers.


TODO: Analyze


TODO: Look into SWIG.

NWChemEx Python Binding Strategy

This section describes the evolution of the NWChemEx design strategy for Python bindings.

Original Design

pybind11 was the original choice and was preferred to Boost.Python on account of the fact that, at the time, the NWChemEx team was trying to avoid adding Boost to the stack. A number of team members, had had previous experience with pybind11 which facilitated the decision.

Migration to Cppyy

After work had begun on the initial bindings, the existence of Cppyy was noted and the decision was then made to switch to Cppyy to take advantage of its automatic bindings. The initial design was relatively simple, a CMake module was written that takes as input a target to expose. The CMake module then traverses the include tree discovering the C++ API of the library, and generates a file for the library. A simple Python import statement is then all that is necessary to use the library from Python.

Combined Pybind11/Cppyy

In practice, trying to manage Cppyy through a generated file led to a somewhat substantial amount of CMake infrastructure aimed at performing introspection of the C++ project. Furthermore, despite several years of development, this CMake infrastructure still did not satisfy all of the considerations raised in Python Binding Considerations. Notably, the CMake infrastructure did not satisfy Native APIs. In practice, Cppyy suggests two mechanisms for addressing Native APIs: pythonizations and writing a wrapper layer. Neither of these solutions are CMake-based (pythonizations are C++-based and the wrapper layer is Python-based).

The need to write C++-based, or Python-based, binding code somewhat negates the main benefits of Cppyy over projects like pybind11. Combined with the NWChemEx team’s poor understanding of the LLVM stack, and tools like rootcling, it was decided that to make progress in a timely manner we would adopt a two-tiered solution to Python bindings. For the parts of the stack where Cppyy would need to be wrapped (either by pythonizations or by a Python wrapper layer) we instead opted to expose those parts with pybind11 (which we were already familiar with). For the remainder of the stack we will continue to use Cppyy. This is summarized below.

SimDE Bindings


Fig. 3 Current status of pybind11 Python bindings for SimDE.

Fig. 3 summarizes the binding status of SimDE as of this writing. At the lowest level of the stack, ParallelZone, Python users are able to see the available hardware resources, get/set an MPI communicator, and access the logger. All other ParallelZone operations, such as using the object-oriented MPI bindings and the task scheduler are currently restricted to the C++ side of things (it is assumed at present that Python users will want to use MPI4Py for their Python MPI needs, which handles many of the nuances of HPC Python). At the PluginPlay level we have exposed ModuleBase (and thus the ability to create modules from Python), the fields (the inputs/results to the module), the ModuleManager, and the API for loading plugins. At the Chemist level we have right now only exposed the classes related to the chemical system (Atom, Nucleus, Molecule, Nuclei, and ChemicalSystem). The plan is to eventually expose all classes in Chemist to Python. Finally, in SimDE we expose each property type. It is worth noting that exposing a property type can be largely automated and PluginPlay provides a macro to automate this process; in order to work, the macro only needs the C++ type of the property type (assuming the types comprising the property type’s API are already exposed, which they will be if they are in Chemist).

Plugin Bindings


Fig. 4 Summary of how plugins are exposed to Python/C++.

Fig. 4 shows the proposed mechanism for exposing plugins based on SimDE. C++/Python plugins are interoperable with Python/C++ via the plugin API PluginPlay exposes. This API amounts to a single line of code that the plugin must call in order for the plugin’s API to be exposed to both C++ and Python. As for the modules in the plugin, PluginPlay only interacts with a module through ModuleBase and the property type the module satisfies. Given that ModuleBase has been exposed to Python already, this means that as long as the property type has been exposed to Python (which in turn requires exposing the classes defining the API), the module is callable from Python or C++ regardless of what language it is written in. In summary, for many C++ plugins Python bindings can be automatically generated with a single line of code.

User API


Fig. 5 Summary of user API interactions with Python bindings.

PluginPlay, and the plugins built on it, are meant as a developer/power-user API. The module system gives the user full control over the computation. For many use cases, this level of control is very daunting, and it is in NWChemEx’s best interest to provide an end-user-friendly API which hides the full complexity of PluginPlay. The full details of the UI are beyond the scope of this page, here what we focus on is how that UI will interact with the rest of NWChemEx.

The core of NWChemEx interacts with the UI according to Summary of user API interactions with Python bindings.. Here the UI is simply labeled as driver, but it need not actually be a driver in the classical sense. As Summary of user API interactions with Python bindings. shows the UI is envisioned as being written entirely in Python. It therefore can only interact with the rest of NWChemEx through the Python bindings. Relevant to the UI, the Python bindings of SimDE will expose: ModuleBase, ModuleManager, and property types for commonly requested quantities. The UI is thus responsible for going from traditional inputs (think cartesian coordinates, atomic basis set, and some basic parameters), to a call graph, to the result of executing the call graph. The UI could then conceivably be used to power an instance of MolSSI’s QCEngine. An alternative would be to use QCEngine as the UI and not write the driver at all.

References and Additional Resources

  • This tutorial covers some of the other options available in more detail and was used to partially populate the list in Existing Choices.