Sure it Looks Pretty, But is it Going to Scale?

Why Object-Oriented Programming? explained why we opted for an OOP paradigm. To some extent this section continues that discussion, but in the context of whether or not OOP is just “syntactic sugar” or if it actually allows one to write performant code, that looks nice too. Put another way, this section justifies why we can adopt a top-down philosophy (design the pretty API, then worry about performance) and expect it to perform well.

The short answer is, OOP really is just “syntactic sugar”. We proposition, without proof, that everything on this page can be accomplished with functional programming (FP) as well. By this we mean: it is possible to design an FP interface that could accomplish the same tasks, in a similar number of code statements (as a hand-wavy proof realize that class methods are basically just functions whose first argument is the object they were called on). However, without defining new types for that FP interface, the result would look much nastier, e.g., there would be 10s of (if not 100s of) input parameters (yes there’s a lot rolled up into a class, but with the right design you don’t need to worry about all the state), and several nested functions per call. That said, historically, at least within electronic structure theory, code written using FP does not attempt to reach the level of generality we discuss here (likely because of how unwieldy the API would be). This is another perk of OOP, through abstraction, we can tackle very complicated problems by relatively straightforward means.

One of the first things to keep in mind is that there are layers to the program. There are a lot of layers separating the user’s input from functions like dgemm. As input traverses the layers it gets upacked and processed. By time you get to something like dgemm you’ve handled all of the other concerns aside from the needed matrix multiplication. This is important to note because the appearance a high-level object is designed to give off can be very different than what it actually maps to. Case in point are tensors. With the way our tensors work you can write building J and K like:

simde::tensor_t P, I, J, K; //Assume P and I are initialized
J("mu,nu") = P("lambda,sigma") * I("lambda,sigma,mu,nu");
K("mu,nu") = P("lambda,sigma") * I("lambda,nu,mu,sigma");

For readers familiar with the intricacies of J and K builds, you may say “sure you can write it that way, but it’s not efficient”. Turns out, through the magic of abstraction, the code above is capable of being used as a(n):

  • in core build (all tensors explicitly formed and stored in memory)

  • disk build (all tensors explicitly formed, but I is stored on disk)

  • core-disk hybrid (all tensors explicitly formed, only some pieces of I are put on disk)

  • direct build (I is not explicitly formed, blocks are formed on the fly)

  • semi-direct build (expensive parts of I are stored in memory, cheap are recomputed on the fly)

  • some hybrid of all of the above

Furthermore, the code is actually capable of:

  • fully exploiting symmetry

  • fully exploiting sparsity

  • running in a distributed fashion

  • running asynchronously

  • running on CPUs and/or GPUs,

  • being optimized for other architectures (e.g. FPGAs)

(Disclaimer: as of writing this, the code above does not actually have all of the aforementioned properties. However the properties described can be added to the tensor library in such a manner that the code benefits from them without needing to be rewritten. Furthermore, when the additional considerations are added to the tensor library they will not only be available to the J/K build, but throughout other modules as well.)

So how can one little snippet of code do so much? We’re not going to go into all of the details, but here’s the highlights:

  • The calls above actually build a task graph, before any real work is done

  • From the size of the tensors we know how much work each task requires

  • By having runtime information about the computer we know the amount of resources (nodes, CPUs, GPUs, memory, disk, etc.) available to us

  • Using the above information the task graph can be inspected and optimized

One of the criticisms commonly leveraged about the above is that the complexity is still there, it’s just hidden. This is true. There really is a code path which unrolled looks like a direct J/K build would in an FP code, i.e. something like:

// This is pseudocode that omits some details, like the prefactor
for(auto IJ : screened_shell_pairs){
     for(auto KL : screened_shell_pairs){
         if(KL > IL) continue;
         auto I = compute_shell_quartet(IJ, KL);
         if(I == 0) continue; // integral screening
         for(auto mn : IJ){
            for(auto ls: KL){
                if(ls > mn) continue;

                J[mn] = P[ls] * I[mnls];
                J[ls] = P[mn] * I[mnls];
                K[ml] = P[ns] * I[mnls];
                K[vl] = P[ms] * I[mnls];
                K[ms] = P[nl] * I[mnls];
                K[ns] = P[ml] * I[mnls];

However, instead of the user having to explicitly write such a pattern, our objects automatically dispatch to this pattern based on resources available, the symmetry of the tensors, which tiles are important, the fact that I is being recomputed each time it’s called (so we want to fully utilize a block before throwing it away), and the equations for the target results (J and K). The point is that while the complexity is still there, we argue it is easy for users to use (the DSL makes it look like a tensor expression versus nested loops) and the implementation is more general and extendable (being applicable to, for example, the four-index transform of correlated methods).

The other concern one may have is what about object overhead? It is true, there is a cost for inheritance, the increased number of function calls, and the other OOP practices. More often than not, our experience shows that worrying about such things is a premature optimization. With aggressive optimizations, compilers have gotten really good at eliminating the overhead associated with OOP. That said, in C++ one can usually resort to template meta-programming techniques to remove much of the remaining runtime overhead (albeit at the cost of longer compile times and larger binaries). Furthermore, the layered approach means that we can merge two layers if need be, without having to rewrite all of the layers on top of or under those layers (assuming APIs remain constant).

Finally we note that in this section we focused on tensors, primarily for their easy to grasp DSL. The same logic applies to all objects. By considering the API and implementation of each object to be two different things, one essentially gets a series of layered DSLs. Each DSL allows you to expresses the intent of the computation divorced from how the computation is actually done. This makes it easier for the people above the DSL to interact with that layer, while still providing the developers of that layer all the necessary resources to optimize that layer.