Cache Design

As a consequence of our Memoization Design strategy we have decided to implement an associative container, called “the cache”, to address the remaining memoization considerations. As was briefly noted in the memoization section, and explicitly called out in Checkpoint/Restart checkpoint/restart (C/R) will also be handled by the cache.


We use the convention that “cache” or “the cache” refers to the concept and that Cache refers to the class.

Cache Considerations

The considerations for the cache are really the union of the memoization considerations not considered in the Memoization Design section with the union of the checkpoint/restart (C/R) considerations not considered in Checkpoint/Restart. The memoization considerations focus on using the cache to avoid recomputing quantities, whereas the C/R considerations focus on how we should save the cache so that it can be reloaded and resued at a later time.

In the Memoization Design section it was decided that at the core of the cache is a high-performance associative array. The remainder of this section focuses on enumerating considerations pertaining to how one can unify the considerations in the Memoization Design section with the associative array concept.

  • Since memoization occurs per type T (T derived from ModuleBase) the actual cache will be a nested associative array (T maps to an associative array A and A actually maps the inputs to results)

  • Will likely want to compress values and/or dump them to disk

  • What are the keys? Input values? Hashes? Universally Unique IDs (UUIDs)?

  • How many entries do we expect in a module’s cache? 10s? 100s? 1000s?

    • Cache entries are ultimately calls to a module. In a given run, a module probably gets called less than 10 times, maybe in the 100s for an iterative process, or a very fundamental and frequently called module.

    • 1000+ calls is not unfathomable, but probably rare enough to justify treating it separately

  • There’s a number of associative array types; which one(s) do we want?

    • Certain structures excel at determining if an entry exists. Others excel at being able to add entries.

  • Checksums for data validity?

  • Needs to operate in a distributed environment

    • Each process gets its own cache?

    • For traditional memoization, distributed objects will stay distributed

    • For C/R less clear

      • Could do a checkpoint per process

      • Could do a single, sycnhronized, checkpoint

      • Could do something in between

Cache Implementations

At its heart the cache involves associative arrays and conceptually we may be able to use an existing high-performance C/C++ library to implement it. This section explores the available options, their features, and ultimately their suitability for our Cache class.


The notes on these libraries are primarily based off of documentation. I do not have experience with any of the libraries so the descriptions may be inaccurate. Activity, star, and watcher information was accurate as of March 2022 and may have changed since then.

C++ Associative Container Libraries

First up are the C++ libraries on GitHub with the associative-array tag:

  • HArray


    • Uses a trie (instead of hash table or binary tree)

    • Prefix compression

    • Save/load to disk

    • GPLv3

    • Appears to be abandoned (last commit July 2021). 88 stars and 12 watchers.

  • AVL Array

  • uCDB


    • Designed for Arduino (apparently a competior of Raspberry Pi)

    • Seems like it can only read from existing databases

    • Not licensed.

    • Active development. 5 stars and 1 watcher.

  • Vista


    • Implements various span classes (including an associative array one)

    • Operate on existing contiguous memory.

    • Does not appear to allow modification.

    • No license.

    • Likely abandoned (last commit May 2020). 4 stars and 3 watchers.

  • ceres

C Libraries for Assoicative Containers

Next are C libraries on GitHub with the associative-array tag:

  • libdict


    • Looks like it’s just implementations of common data structures with C APIs (no special features)

    • BSD

    • Likely abandoned (last commit May 2019). 255 stars and 28 watchers.

  • thmap

  • rhashmap

  • cdict

  • core-array

  • c_vector_map

  • Data-Structures-C


    • Appears to be someone’s toy project to learn about data structures.

    • Documentation states it’s not production ready

    • DO_WHATEVER_YOU_WANT license

    • Likely abandoned (last commit July 2019). 0 stars and 0 watchers.


While we’ve focused on associative arrays up to this point, what we’re after can also be considered a database. The advantage of moving to databases is that we get some real heavy-hitters contributing software. Putting the cart before the horse, our current cacheing strategy will rely on databases for a number of the considerations. The full design discussion is lengthy and we defer that conversation to Database Design.

Cache Strategy

Ultimately a lot of the Cache’s implementation will get punted to an underlying class Database. The design of that class, and how it addresses the Cache considerations is beyond our current scope, but can be found here. This discussion focuses on the design of the API wrapping the Database class.


Fig. 10 Main design points of the Cache and ModuleCache classes.

Fig. 10 summarizes the design of the Cache class. Each ModuleManager instance can have at most one Cache instance. This ensures there’s a single source of truth for the program. The Cache will be hierarchical since memoization only makes sense for modules of the same C++ type. The Cache refers to the entire cache object, whereas ModuleCache refers to the cache for all modules of the same C++ type. Thus Cache can be thought of as a map from C++ type to ModuleCache instances. In lieu of the actual C++ module type, we define a concept called the module ID. For now the Module ID is simply the module key that a module was originally registered under, but in the future may be expanded to include for example version information. Each ModuleCache is thought of as a map from a set of inputs to a set of results.

Under the hood of ModuleCache we use the Database class to store the actual data. From the user’s perspective the Database class implements the Cache class and ModuleCache instances are slices of the Database. We accomplish this by having the keys of the database be pairs whose first element is the module ID and the second element is the input set (values in the database are the result sets). Database is implemented by a polymorphic PIMPL. Additional PIMPLs can be added to cover different database backends and/or nested for more comlicated C/R scenarios.

It is worth noting that in this design the Cache class is very similar to the Database class and could at this stage just be a Database; however, we maintain separate classes because Cache is the public API and Database will be an implementation detail.

So far this strategy does not address how iterative modules will be memoized yet, nor will the database help on this issue. The primary problem to solve is how to avoid needing to store all of the intermediate results. Our current strategy is to more or less punt and make module developers do it. More specifically the Cache class will maintain a second module to ModuleCache mapping (these ModuleCache instances will actually be held as instances of the derived UserCache class). Module developers are able to access the UserCache through the ModuleBase class and are free to cache/uncache whatever values they want.

The use of the UserCache with iterative modules has a potential pitfall. In general the UserCache will wrap the same Database as the ModuleCache (this facilitates using a single C/R backend). Furthermore, a lot of times the inputs to the iterative module are the same as the inputs used to tag intermediate results (and the intermediate results are often the same type as the module’s results). In turn restarting an iterative module that has not converged may lead to the iterative module being memoized to the last intermediate even though it has not converged. To prevent this, UserCache tags its entries before dumping them, whereas ModuleCache does not. When attempting to memoize an iterative module, tagged cache entries will not be considered. If no untagged enteries are found control goes into the module. Inside the module, the user checks the UserCache instance (which in turn only considers tagged entries) and the module is able to restart using the last intermediate.

Cache Considerations Addressed

With respect to the cache considerations this strategy addresses the following considerations:

  • Each class T deriving from ModuleBase is assumed to wrap a unique algorithm. When memoizing it thus only makes sense to consider results computed by other T instances.

    • Addressed by Cache vs ModuleCache

  • Failing to memoize when appropriate will affect performance

    • There’s only so much we can do here. Ultimately it’s up to the database backend to determine if a set of inputs has been seen or not. Concievably, the database could use special comparisons to determine if two objects are equal.

  • Memoizing when not appropriate will compromise the integrity of the scientific answer.

    • Again this is up to the database backend. In our initial design two objects must compare value equal to be considered the same. If value equality is implemented correctly there is no reason why false memoization will occur.

  • Memoizing iterative (recursive) function requires special considerations

    • Addressed by having UserCache

  • Comparing objects can be expensive (think about distributed tensors)

    • It’s our opinion that optimizing value comparison is easier than trying to implement a general comparison solution based on hashing or the like. Object developers are of course free to use hashing inside their object’s value comparisons as an optimization.

  • Module developers may want to do their own C/R.

    • Addresed by having a UserCache. Module developers can put whatever they want in that cache and have it be checkpointed.

    • Module developers are also free to ignore the UserCache and do something else if they would like.

  • Since memoization occurs per type T (T derived from ModuleBase) the actual cache will be a nested associative array (T maps to an associative array A and A actually maps the inputs to results)

    • The Cache and ModuleCache classes addresses this.

  • What are the keys? Input values? Hashes? Universally Unique IDs (UUIDs)?

    • From the perspective of the Cache the keys are input values. The Database implementation is free to map the input values to proxy objects such as UUIDs if it so likes.

  • How many entries do we expect in a module’s cache? 10s? 100s? 1000s?

    • Cache entries are ultimately calls to a module. In a given run, a module probably gets called less than 10 times, maybe in the 100s for an iterative process, or a very fundamental and frequently called module.

    • 1000+ calls is not unfathomable, but probably rare enough to justify treating it separately