Database Design

This section explores the design considerations that went into selecting a database backend for the Cache class. The TL;DR version is we’re moving forward with RocksDB.

What is a Database?

The usual definition is something along the lines of: a database is an organized collection of data stored and accessed electronically. What really sets a database apart from say a std::map, or a spreadsheet, is that databases are designed to contain a lot of data and to be accessed concurrently by a potentially large number of users. The secret behind database performance is that users do not directly interact with the a database, but rather they interact with a database management system (DBMS). The DBMS is responsible for managing access and memory based on user requests.

From the perspective of PluginPlay, the imporant things to note about most modern databases are:

  • API suports use as a key-value containers,

  • designed with big data in mind, and

  • your typical DBMS provides loads of features related to data retention, processing, and access.

Database Terminology

The reader new to databases will quickly be inundated with jargon. This subsection provides a small glossery of the most common terms.


Stands for atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability. Each transaction on a database must minimally satisfy these four properties for the database to be considered reliable.


Stands for create, read, update, and delete. These are the four foundational operations of any database.


Database management system. The library providing the API for interacting with a database.


Stands for multiversion concurrency control. MVCC avoids locks by storing multiple copies of the data. When data is updated a new version is added alongside older versions which may still be in use.


Open database connectivity. A standardized API for expressing database operations. The API is DBMS independent. Library developers can write their code using the ODBC API and it will work with whatever DBMS, the ODBC driver manager supports.


Stands for object-relational mapping. Many common databases only support primitive data types like integers, floats, and strings. ORM is a technique where the objects are maintained in a virtual database and their members are mapped to enteries in the real database.


Relational DBMS. A DBMS that specifically deals with relational databases. Relational databases are typically thought of as being tables with columns and rows.


Structured query language. The de facto standard language for interacting with RDBMS.


Stands for write-ahead logging. Techniques for the AC of ACID. Changes are first recorded in a log. The log is written to stable storage before being applied to the database. In the event of a restart the database can be compared to the log to figure out what operations need to be done still.

Database Considerations

The database backend is the lowest level of the Cache and is responsible for addressing all memoization and checkpoint/restart (C/R) design considerations which were not handled by Cache Design. Summarily they are:

Parallel Nature of PluginPlay

  • Avoid data races

  • Will need to store parallel objects, sometimes in their distributed form and sometimes in a serialized form

  • May want to use parallel filesystems for the checkpoint

  • May want multiple checkpoint files

  • Parallel systems may have more complicated memory hierarchies and we want to use them effectively.

  • Resiliency to deal with hardware failures

Object Storage

  • Will need to serialize the objects

  • Want a quick access (not serialized) and a long-term serialized form

  • May not want to serialize all objects at the same frequency

  • Compression (presumably of the serialized objects)

  • Avoid storing multiple copies of the same key/value

  • Users may want to customize the storage


  • Automatic backups

  • Diff support

    • Checkpoint the original state and the changes to the original state needed to make the current state

Choosing the Key/Value Types

We will use the database as an associative array. This means we need to choose how the keys and values are stored in the array. There are a number of possible representations which we list here.

Using the Literal Values

Conceptually the simplest option is to use the literal values of the objects we are storing.


  • human-readable keys (to the extent that the objects themselves are human-readable).

  • Exact preservation of input values.

  • Assuming value comparisons are implemented correctly, will never incorrectly memoize a call.


  • May lead to very costly comparisons (think large distributed data structures).

    • Ultimately it falls to the object writer to optimize the comparisons for their object; however, it’s not always feasible to count on developers to be willing to further optimize their objects.

  • Memory consumption may be a large issue.

    • Storing the literal values will result in copies of the objects

    • Can store references/pointers, but lifetime management becomes an issue.

  • Value comparisons are sensitive to floating-point values

    • Could allow users to provide custom comparison operators thereby allowing them to choose what to do in such cases.

    • Object developers may have already considered this in the design of the comparison operators.

Using Hashes

Another option is to replace the objects with their hash representation.


  • Short look-up times (can be constant depending on the specific associative array implementation)

  • Hash collisions aside, with the right hash algorithm the same object will always generate the same hash (i.e., we don’t have to store the inputs, just the hashes)


  • All objects must be hashable. Places additional burden on object developers.

  • Hashes can be very fragile

    • For a deterministic hash algorithm, one needs to prepare the input in the same state in order to guarantee the same hash. This can be difficult for a variety of reasons:

      • Operations which are equivalent in infinite precision arithmetic are in general not equivalent with finite precision arithmetic

      • Objects may have slightly different representations depending on the compiler, compiler settings, computing platform, etc.

      • Precision may be lost as a result of checkpointing (e.g. lossy compression, string to float conversions)

  • Hash collisions are possible, albeit extremely unlikely with modern algorithms

    • Can perform a value comparison to guarantee the keys really are equal (requires storing the actual inputs too)

    • A notable exception to collision rarity occurs when two different objects have an unintentionally symmetric state. A common example is empty containers of different types; if one simply hashes the elements in the containers by looping over the container, and if the types of the containers are not hashed, the resulting hash value will be equal.

  • Hashes are not human-readable (i.e. dumping a hash table is unlikely to be useful for anything other than memoization)

    • Combined with the fragility aspect, hashing is not suitable for long-term data archival

  • Generally speaking, hashes can not be inverted, i.e., given just the hash it’s not possible to determine what object was hashed.

  • Distributed objects can be tricky

    • Can have each process hash its local part, requires no synchronization

    • Hashing the entire object requires synchrnoization

Universally Unique IDs (UUIDs)

UUIDs typically use some hardware-specific information combined with temporal information to create a unique ID. Associating the UUID with a specific object in effect creates a global memory address for the object.


  • Usage does not require the objects to be hashable

  • Comparisons of UUIDs are quick

  • Relatively straightforward to guarantee that the same UUID is not given to different objects.

  • Could potentially serve as a sort of DOI for data-archival purposes


  • Requires bookkeeping to maintain the association between the UUID and the object it was generated for.

    • Adding a member to the class avoids needing to store a map from instance to UUID, but complicates the object’s semantics (the UUID needs updated when the data changes).

    • Easy enough to automate with a mix-in

  • Not human-readable

  • Can not be inverted

  • Requires synchronization to assign the same UUID to an object viewable by multiple processes

Digital Object Identifier

UUIDs are conceptually similar to DOIs, except that DOIs are issued by an organization.


  • Widely used to identify journal articles, research reports, and data sets

  • Uniquely identifies an object

  • Using the DOI website allows users to easily obtain the actual object


  • Object needs to be registered with the International DOI Foundation to be a true DOI

  • Costs money to get a DOI

Database Implementations

Databases are some of the most important software elements and are used in a ton of applications. Thus it should come as no surprise that there are a lot of C++ options for databases. We have grouped the options based on whether they are stand alone, or if they extend an existing database. This section is meant to be a list of options with some notes, rather than an extensive comparison. The next section provides a head-to-head comparison of the most promising options.

Stand Alone Options

For the most part these are database projects which do not seem to be part of a wider ecosystem. In many cases they are one-off projects, but in some cases the lack of a wider ecosystem is simply because the project itself is all inclusive. Ultimately, at the time of writing, none of the stand-alone options seem to be stable and widely used (although a few seem to be moving in that direction).

  • ClickHouse


    • C++ client library for ClickHouse

    • column-oriened DBMS

    • data compression

    • disk storage

    • C++ API seems poorly documented and to rely on string parsing

    • Limited type support

    • Apache 2.0

    • Appears to be actively maintained. 143 stars and 22 watchers.

  • Sophia


    • MVCC key-value database

    • RAM-disk hybrid

    • Compression

    • BSD

    • Likely abandoned (last commit January 2019). 1.8K stars and 106 watchers.

  • TileDB


    • Support for dense and sparse arrays, dataframes, key-value stores

    • Parallel I/O

    • Compression

    • Data versioning

    • Threaded

    • I/O and RAM versions

    • MIT License

    • Actively maintained. 1.3K stars and 61 watchers.

  • Bedrock


    • Networking and distributed transaction layer built atop SQLite

    • Does not appear to be a SQLite client

    • LGPL-3.0 License

    • Active development. 801 stars and 70 watchers.

  • upscaledb


    • Key-value based

    • Supports compression

    • can run in-memory database

    • Apache 2.0

    • Last commit Aug 2021. 521 stars and 40 watchers.

  • simdb

  • ObjectBox


    • Designed for embedded devices, internet of things, and mobile

    • Looks very invasive (have to wrap data members so ObjectBox knows about them)

    • Apache 2.0

    • Active development. 119 stars and 12 watchers.

  • DTL

  • EasyQTSql

  • librethinkdbxx


  • memcached


    • effectively a distributed key/value database

    • AFAIK this is the server, clients are distributed elsewhere

    • Documentation appears to be heavily web-based

    • BSD

    • Actively maintained. 11.6k stars and 704 watchers.

  • libmemcached


  • C/C++ client library

  • Based on downloads page last release was 1.0.18 in 2014.

  • Release information link says it’s downloading an RSS feed and spools forever (well at least a minute, I didn’t wait longer)


LevelDB is a Google project which is widely used. Facebook used LevelDB for the guts of its (also widely used) RockDB project. We are aware of three databases which are part of the LevelDB ecosystem:

  • LevelDB


    • key/value arbitrary byte data

    • automatic compression

    • support for threaded access

    • can get snapshots (immutable representations)

    • Disk based (using mulitple files)

    • Checksums for data integrity

    • Appears to be actively maintained. 28.5K stars and 1.3K watchers.

  • RocksDB


    • Built on LevelDB

    • Designed for storing data on flash drives

    • Can adapt to pure memory

    • Supports backups and checkpoints

    • GPLv2 or Apache 2.0

    • Appears to be actively maintained. 22K stars and 1K watchers.

  • BerylDB

With the exception of BerylDB, these databases are quite well supported and seem to be widely used.


The lightning memory-mapped databse seems to have a small niche community associated with it. While LMDB (and its derivatives) may be capable of high performance, the seeming lack of wide usage makes us hesitant to use any of these databases in our initial design.

  • Lightning Memory-Mapped Database


    • Developed as part of the OpenLDAP project <>

    • key-value based

    • Webpages is a bit of a maze

    • OpenLDAP Public License

    • GitHub mirror hasn’t been updated since Jun 2021. 1.9K stars and 158 watchers.

  • libmdbx


    • Descendant of LMDB

    • Appears to be in a transition period to MithrilDB

    • OpenLDAP Public License

    • Active development. 1K stars and 48 watchers.

  • lmdbxx


MySQL is one of the most popular databases in use; however, the only C++-client we are aware of does not seem to be well utilized.


MongoDB is a database which has been growing in popularity. Its primary feature of interest seems to be that it describes data in a JSON-like manner, which makes it immediately applicable to object-oriented programming.


Not sure what features of PostgreSQL set it apart from say Redis, but it seems to be a widely used SQL database.

While none of these libaries appear to widely used, we note that PostgreSQL is itself widely used, and libpqxx is the official C++ PostgreSQL implementation. The implication is that libpqxx appears to have support for the immediate future at least.


Like PostgreSQL, I’m not sure what really sets Redis apart; however, it seems to be another popular choice.

While Redis seems to have the most libraries, Hiredis and redis-plus-plus seem to be the only two being widely used.


Again I’m not sure what sets SQLite apart, but it seems to be pretty popular.

  • SQLiteC++

  • SQLite ORM


    • Supports custom types

    • STL compatible

    • Supports memory and disk databases

    • GNU Affero General Public License

    • Last commit December 2021. 1.5K stars and 61 watchers.

  • sqlite modern cpp wrapper

    • MIT License

    • Doesn’t seem to support custom types

    • Likely abandoned (last commit November 2020). 671 stars and 58 watchers.

  • hiberlite

    • ORM for SQLite relying on a Boost Serialization-like API

    • Aside from the serialization-like API not sure what other features it has

    • BSD

    • Likely abandoned (last commit June 2018). 614 stars and 58 watchers.

  • VSQLite++

Like Redis, the majority of the libraries associated with SQLite do not seem to be widely supported. SQLiteC++ and SQLite ORM are the exceptions; however, the license of SQLite ORM means it’s not viable for our purposes.

Multiple Databases

The options in this category provide interfaces to more than one database type. For the most part we didn’t give these libraries too much consideration instead opting to focus on a single backend.

Database Implementation Comparsions

The goal of this section is to come to a decision on what database to use. To this end we have enumerated a set of features we are looking for.

  1. Widely supported

    • The database is going to be an integral part of PluginPlay. We don’t want to adopt a solution which looses support in a few years.

  2. Stable.

    • While new products can be exciting, we’re looking for something with an API which isn’t constantly changing.

  3. License.

    • We use Apache 2.0 so whatever we pick needs to be licensed in such a manner that it works with our license.

  4. Thread.

    • The DBMS should handled thread concurrency for us. This can often be handled more effeciently closer to the database than the DBMS API allows us to get.

    • Technically this is probably part of ACID

    • Process concurrency is nice, but it’s not clear we’re going to find it.

  5. Object-oriented programming (OOP).

    • Should support storing objects in their native form when they are in memory and serializing/deserializing them to put them on disk.

    • This is probably a nice to have, not a requirement because we can keep the objects in a buffer if need be.

  6. Disk.

    • Is the database’s location based off a filesystem/disk location or an IP?

    • It seems like a lot of commercial applications want to use IP addresses for specifying the location of the database, i.e. the client-server model.

    • Parallel filesystems, for example, usually use disk locations

    • IP-based databases usually have some support for local hosts.

    • At least on Linux, you can use something like SSHFS to mount remote files, but it requires admin privileges.

    • With some indirection it should be possible to use IP and disk-based databases interchangeably,

    • Given how most supercomputers mount parallel filesystem, we prefer disk-based APIs over IP-based, if only because it doesn’t require workarounds. Conceivably we worry that privileges may prohibit use of IP-based databases on supercomputers, although how founded this worry is, is not clear.

  7. ACID

    • Databases which are ACID compliant will take care of resiliency for us.

  8. Binary.

    • Generally speaking objects will not be directly supported by most databases.

    • Schema are the usual way around this, but only practical for small to medium-sized objects

    • For large objects want to be able to dump the binary representation

The previous section listed a lot of C++ database solutions. Our focus on solutions which are widely supported, stable, and licensed compatibly with PluginPlay narrows the field considerably. The following table summarizes how the viable databases stack up.


As a disclaimer, at this time we do not have any experience with the databases on this list and the comparisons are being done off the provided documentation, and in some instances a quick perusal of the source code. This means the various DBMS may actually have (or not have) features that the table says they do not have. It should also be noted that unless we found some evidence that a DBMS has a feature we assumed it did not.

Database Name













On the basis of the head-to-head comparison the most promising choices seem to be RocksDB, or SQLiteC++. In our opinion RocksDB is a better choice than SQLiteC++ because mapping the key-value API of RocksDB to our application is more straightforward than mapping the SQL-based API of SQLiteC++.

Database Strategy


Fig. 11 Class diagram for the Database backend implementing the Cache. N.B. on most browsers you can “open image in a new tab” to easily zoom in.

Ultimately none of the databases we considered have all of the features we want. Our current Database strategy grafts the missing functionality onto RocksDB. The class structure for our Database class is summarized in Fig. 11. The general design strategy is to rely on nesting polymorphic PIMPLs to acheive an implementation with the desired properties. Our initial database PIMPL has four levels. For our first pass we only worry about storing keys/values locally. That is each process’s Database will be responsible for storing the local piece of distributed objects, or copies of replicated objects. In general this means each process’s Database instance will have a different state. Additional parallel considerations can be tackled by implementing additional backends, and will be left for future work.

The most fundamental PIMPL is the RocksDB class. This class is a thin wrapper around the RocksDB library. Keys/values in the RocksDB database need to be binary. To go from C++ objects to binary we introduce the SerializedDB PIMPL. This PIMPL is responsible for serializing data into the database it wraps and deserializing data upon request. Our design has two PIMPLs which wrap SerializedDB instances; the first, is the UUIDDatabase, and the second is the ProxyObjectDatabase. The UUIDDatabase class is responsible for mapping its keys to UUIDs. The UUIDs will ultimately be used as proxies for the actual module inputs/results (each set of inputs/results is replaced with a std::vector of UUIDs). The ProxyObjectDatabase wraps two databases: a UUIDDatabase (defining the actual input/result to UUID mapping) and a SerializedDB instance which defines (via the proxy objects) the input set to result set mappings. Finally the PerModuleObjectDatabase stores an in-memory mapping from the input set to the result set (for a specific module).


Fig. 12 Structure of the PIMPL implementing the Database class. See text for more details.

In practice, as results are put into the Cache they first go into the PerModuleObjectDatabase. This allows fast retrieval of memoized inputs/results. When checkpointing is needed, or space is an issue, the PerModuleObjectDatabase object flushes its memoized results to the wrapped database (which presently is a ProxyObjectDatabase). The exact behavior of what happens after flushing the PerModuleObjectDatabase (or even how the PerModuleObjectDatabase works) can be modified by creating (and nesting) more DatabasePIMPL objects. The overall initial structure of the DatabasePIMPL used to implement the Database in the Cache is shown in Fig. 12.

Database Considerations Addressed

This section explains how our current database strategy addresses the considerations raised in the Database Considerations section.

  • Avoid data races

    • RocksDB is designed to avoid data races

    • To the extent that the underlying RocksDB instance is the single source of truth, data races should be largely avoidable in the other PIMPL classes too.

    • The notable exception is the PerModuleObjectDatabase which contains a std::map that is not thread-safe. Data races here may lead to missed memoization opportunities. If profiling reveals this to be an issue we will return to this issue.

  • Will need to store parallel objects, sometimes in their distributed form and sometimes in a serialized form

    • PerModuleObjectDatabase only stores the local piece of distributed objects. For pure memoization this is what you want.

    • With our design how an object is stored under PerModuleObjectDatabase depends on how RocksDB is set-up and on how serialization is implemented.

    • RocksDB ultimately writes to whatever file it’s told to. The two main choices are to have each process/node write to a different file, or to have all processes/nodes write to the same file (presumably on a parallel filesystem)

    • If serialization only serializes the local part, RocksDB should be set up so each node writes to either a single file or different files

    • If serialization serializes the entire distributed state, then RocksDB should be setup to write to the same file to avoid duplication.

    • We leave it to the user to setup the backend correctly (with the aid of convenience functions we provide).

    • For SPSD (single-process, single-data) and (single-process, multiple-data) having per node databases either means all of the databases are the same or they are effectively the same as long as the data distribution doesn’t change (including on restart).

    • We’re primarily targeting SPMD and can add more backends to deal with other scenarios at a later point.

  • May want to use parallel filesystems for the checkpoint

    • RocksDB writes the database to the provided file. Providing a filename that is located on a parallel filesystem will result in the database being written to the parallel filesystem.

  • May want multiple checkpoint files

    • Again this can be controlled by what file RocksDB writes to.

  • Parallel systems may have more complicated memory hierarchies and we want to use them effectively.

    • Additional PIMPLs can be added to say put objects in non-volatile memory before going to disk if need be.

  • Resiliency to deal with hardware failures

    • Built into RocksDB

  • Will need to serialize the objects

    • Happens in SerializedDB, will require all AnyField instances to be serializable.

    • May need different serializations (only the local part, entire object)

  • Want a quick access (not serialized) and a long-term serialized form

    • Quick-access is provided by PerModuleObjectDatabase, long-term by RocksDB

  • May not want to serialize all objects at the same frequency

    • Additional dispatch options can be built into the PIMPLs as needed.

  • Compression (presumably of the serialized objects)

    • Native RocksDB feature

  • Avoid storing multiple copies of the same key/value

    • ProxyObjectDatabase addresses this by assigning UUIDs to each input and result.

  • Users may want to customize the storage

    • Exactly how objects get cached can be controlled by the PIMPL. Our plan is to provide convenience functions for common scenarios (e.g. our default cacheing strategy, no long-term backups, no memoization whatsoever)

    • No memoization can be implemented by not instantiating a Cache

    • Similarly “no long term” backup can be iimplemented by leaving off the SerializedDB part of the PIMPL.

  • Automatic backups

    • Can be done with a new backend

  • Diff support

    • Requires a new backend

Future Directions

While our design addresses all of the considerations to some extent, our initial design will punt on some aspects. We collect those aspects here for future reference.

  • data races: not all classes are thread-safe

  • storing distributed objects: may want a global database, the ability to synch UUIDs etc.

  • HPC memory hierarchies: we will need new backends to use specialized hardware

  • different frequency serialization: will require a new backend

  • Automatic backups: will need a new backend

  • Diff support: will need a new backend

  • Other backends: design should allow for other backends beside RocksDB