Designing the Allocator

The point of this page is to capture the design process of the allocator component of TensorWrapper.

What is an Allocator?

In C++, allocators are objects used by containers to secure uninitialized storage for the elements of the container. Optionally, the allocator may also initialize the storage. In TensorWrapper, an allocator is responsible for securing a (possibly uninitialized) instance of the backend’s tensor object.

Why do We Need an Allocator Component?

Using TensorWrapper, users will create objects for describing a tensor’s shape, symmetries, and sparsity. Those objects will then be converted into a layout. Given the target layout, TensorWrapper will then create a tensor object from one of the available backends. Since each of these libraries has their own tensor class (or classes), with their own construction methods, the allocator component is needed to hide the process of constructing the backend’s buffer objects.

Allocator Considerations

Backend aware

The allocator’s primary purposes are to provide a mechanism for selecting the tensor backend and to wrap the process of creating instances for that backend.

  • Eventually we would like to automate the backend selection process. Ideally, TensorWrapper would know which backend works best in which situations and would choose it for the user. This can be done by having a super allocator which delegates to the individual backend allocators.

Runtime aware

The Allocator is charged with literally allocating Buffer objects. In order to do this in a performant manner, the Allocator will need access to runtime information such as the number of processes and the amount of available memory.

  • Tracking the state of the runtime is the responsibility of ParallelZone.

  • Not all backends resource manage, TensorWrapper will have to do it for them.


Before any tensor operations can be performed some tensors will need to be filled in with values. Sometimes the tensor is simply an identity or zero tensor, but more often the initial value of an element depends on its indices. The Allocator must have a mechanism for filling in blocks of the Buffer with arbitrary values.


Tensors contain the Allocator used to create their Buffer. Reuse of that Allocator will create additional Buffer objects which rely on the same backend. In turn, by grabbing the Allocator associated with a tensor, users can create additional Buffer objects which are guaranteed to be compatible with the tensor backend. This requires the Allocator to propagate through expressions.

  • Like other components, propagating the Allocator through the expression layer is natural.

  • When allocators are not mixed (all allocators make buffers of the same type). Propagation is straightforward (assume the same allocator).

  • When allocators are mixed, will need heuristics to determine which one to use for the product.


C++ allocators are associated with a specific type. If you want to use the allocator to allocate memory for a different type, you have to “rebind” the allocator (the mechanism for doing this changed in C++20, but boils down to using template meta-programming to work out the type of the other allocator). In TensorWrapper’s use case, many of the various backends will be able to make different types of buffers (e.g., distributed libraries will usually be able to minimally make DistributedBuffer and ReplicatedBuffer objects). Being able to rebind TensorWrapper allocators thus allows us to create other buffer types which are still compatible with the backend.


Since allocators are tied to a particular type, given the allocator which made a buffer, the allocator should know what the actual (not type-erased) type of the buffer is.

  • The main use case here is for converting between backends by using the allocators to establish which backends the buffers contain.

  • Possible with visitor pattern?

Allocator Design


Fig. 11 The major components of the allocator. Classes in the diagram are meant to be representative of the backends and will not be kept up to date as support is added.

Fig. 11 shows the major components of the allocator component. At the base of the hierarchy is AllocatorBase which is primarily meant to serve as code factorization and a means of type-erasing the buffer type the allocator actually produces. Deriving from AllocatorBase is Allocator which is templated on the buffer type it creates. The various tensor backends then derive from as many Allocator specializations as they support. For example, TiledArray (TA) supports both distributed and replicated buffers so it would derive two allocators, one for making DistributedBuffer objects and one for making ReplicatedBuffer objects.

Proposed APIs

For the most part we expect that the bulk of interactions with Allocator objects will be construction and allocation:

// Most allocators will only require a RuntimeView for construction
parallelzone::RuntimeView rv = get_runtime();
Allocator<ReplicatedBuffer> alloc(rv);

Layout l = get_tensor_layout();

// Create an uninitialized buffer
auto ui_buffer = alloc.allocate(l);

// Create a buffer initialized with 0s
auto zero_buffer = alloc.construct(l, 0);

// Fill buffer in using a function. The function should take a Shape (which
// describes where the buffer goes in the overall tensor) and a LocalBuffer
// object. The body of the function should fill the LocalBuffer in, and then
// return the LocalBuffer object. The buffer may be left empty if it's zero.
auto fxn = [](const Shape& s, LocalBuffer buffer) {
   return fill_buffer(s, buffer);
auto fxn_buffer = alloc.construct(l, fxn);

Here we note that names of the methods, allocate and construct are taken from the analogously named methods comprising the C++ allocator concept. The difference is that allocate only allocates, whereas construct allocates and initializes.

Allocators are used to create additional buffers which are compatible with the associated backend. Consideration Rebind raised the use case of needing to make buffers with different properties, but still maintain backend compatibility. For example, say we want to make a distributed TiledArray buffer into a replicated TiledArray buffer:

// Somehow get a TADist object
TADist dist_alloc(get_runtime());

// Get an allocator, compatible with TA, that can make ReplicatedBuffer
// objects
auto replicated_alloc = dist_alloc.rebind<ReplicatedBuffer>();

// Use the allocators to convert a distributed buffer to a replicated buffer
auto dist_buffer = dist_alloc.construct(get_layout(), get_values());

// This would copy dist_buffer into rep_buffer
auto rep_buffer = replicated_alloc.construct(dist_buffer);

// This would reuse dist_buffer to the extent possible
rep_buffer = replicated_alloc.construct(std::move(dist_buffer));

The motivation for relying on construct for conversions is that conceptually we are just calling conversion constructors of the new buffer.


Backend aware

This consideration is addressed by having the most derived classes in the hierarchy backend specific. All such classes will actually be passed around via base classes, which type-erases the backend choice.

Runtime aware

The constructor for non-default AllocatorBase objects requires a RuntimeView object. This provides the allocator with access to the runtime environment.


Allocators can allocate uninitialized buffers or they can allocate and initialize buffers. The latter can be done by setting all elements to a single value or by running a function on local buffers.


Like other TensorWrapper components, Allocator objects will propagate through the expression layer.


Allocator objects have a method rebind which allows users to get pointers to allocators for different buffer types.


Converting between buffers can be done by passing an existing buffer into the construct function.