Designing the Buffer

The point of this page is to record the design process of TensorWrapper’s buffer component.


Based on TensorWrapper design, this needs reworked. Namely Buffer should be a single class, with a polymorphic PIMPL. In particular, users may need to give up ownership of Buffer objects which is easier to do if Buffer is not polymorphic.

What is the Buffer?

To vastly over simplify, tensors consist of two things: the literal elements of the tensor and all the additional properties and mathematical structure imposed on top of those elements. The Buffer class is responsible for holding the literal elements of the tensor and being able to describe physically how those elements are held.

Why do we need a Buffer?

TensorWrapper is ultimately powered by other tensor libraries. The boundary between those libraries and TensorWrapper is the Buffer class. The Buffer class is the interface through which the user’s intentions (specified with the TensorWrapper domain specific language (DSL)) are conveyed to the backend.

Buffer Terminology


A buffer is distributed if it has both local and remote pieces. By contrast remote buffers only contain remote data (no local data).

future (to a buffer)

A future to a buffer is an object which will eventually be a buffer, but at the time of creation may not actually have its data yet. Futures to buffers typically arise when a task scheduler is creating buffers and we do not want to wait for the scheduler to create the buffer. In this case a backgrounded task for creating the buffer is added to the scheduler and control continues with only a future to the result. Once the backgrounded task has completed creating the buffer, the buffer can be accessed directly from the future to the buffer. If control requests the buffer before it has been created, then control must wait until the buffer is ready before continuing.

on demand

An “on demand” buffer does not store the values which live in it, but instead creates them when requested. This differs from a future in that the values of an on-demand tensor are “immediately available” (not accounting for the delay required to compute them).


A buffer is “local” if the current process can access the state of the buffer without communicating with another process. A local buffer is the opposite of a remote buffer


A buffer is “remote” if none of the state can be accessed without communicating with another process. A remote buffer has no local piece (if it has a local piece it is a distributed buffer).

Buffer Considerations

Wrapping other tensor libraries.

In practice the literal data layouts of a tensor can be very complicated. Many existing tensor libraries have already optimized tensor operations on their data structures for some particular scenarios. We do not want to reinvent those optimizations and suggest Buffer should actually wrap those libraries’ data structures.

  • We note that creating those structures is the responsibility of the Allocator component (see Designing the Allocator).

Type erasure

As consideration Wrapping other tensor libraries. states, the Buffer objects do not just hold double*, but rather tensor-like objects from existing tensor libraries. To allow the various tensor libraries to be somewhat interoperable we propose that the Buffer objects type- erase the backend they hold.

  • We will need to be able to unwrap the type-erased object too.

  • The set of methods exposed by the Buffer class needs to be very general so as to have analogs in every possible backend.

Data location

How a user interacts with a Buffer depends on where the data lives. Data that can only be seen by the current process is usually treated differently than data which all processes can see.

  • Need to know if data is distributed, local, or replicated.

  • For distributed data, need to be able to replicate, get handles to remote data, and access local data.

On demand data

Particularly for high-rank tensors, we often do not store data explicitly. The Buffer must be able to work seamlessly when data is computed on demand.

  • In practice, tensors which are computed on demand still usually store some state.

Asynchronous support

We want the creation of a distributed tensor to be asynchronous. For this to work, we need the ability to have proxy Buffer objects. Such objects will eventually be filled in, but in the meantime control can continue to use them to build up an operation queue. Attempting to access such a Buffer results in waiting until the Buffer has been filled in.

Basic operations

Collectively, the various tensor backends expose many possible operations. The operations exposed by the Buffer classes should be very basic operations which should be present in each backend.

  • Buffer objects should contain their layouts, users should be able to inspect those layouts.

  • The Buffer should have access to the runtime it belongs to.

  • Slices and chips for moving data around.

  • Actually executing an OpGraph accounts for any additional operations the backend needs to run.

Out of Scope

Tensor math

While mathematical operations on tensors are arguably fundamental, the reality is each backend is going to approach those operations in a different manner. Attempting to unify these operations would be difficult. In our opinion a better solution is to queue up a set of operations to be done and then tell the backend to do them.

Backend Allocation

Literally making an object of the backend is a fundamental tensor operation; however, like “Tensor math” above, the creation of a backend object is going to be heavily dependent on the identity of the backend.

  • The responsibility for allocating Buffer objects is punted to the Allocator component. See Designing the Allocator for more details.

Buffer Design


Fig. 12 Design of the buffer component of TensorWrapper.

Fig. 12 shows the major components of TensorWrapper’s buffer component. In addressing the Wrapping other tensor libraries. consideration we made the decision to have each tensor library derive one or more buffer types. The backend-specific classes are responsible for implementing the interfaces of the classes they derive from. Additionally, the backend- specific classes will allow users to retrieve the native data structure if need be. The classes that the backend-specific classes derive from do not contain reference to the various backends, in particular TensorWrapper will pass most buffer objects around by pointers to the Buffer base class, thus satisfying the Type erasure consideration.

For writing generic algorithms we usually need more information. Deriving from Buffer we have several classes including: LocalBuffer, OnDemandBuffer, ReplicatedBuffer, FutureBuffer, and DistributedBuffer. Together these classes address Data location, On demand data, and Asynchronous support.

Proposed APIs

Creating a Buffer

Creating a Buffer is done through an allocator. For now we treat allocators as largely opaque objects (design details for the allocator component can be found in the Designing the Allocator section). Using an allocator, the typical process for creating a buffer looks like:

auto alloc = get_allocator(); //N.B. allocators know about the runtime
Layout l   = get_layout(); // Figure out the tensor's shape, symmetry, etc.

// This constructs a 0-initialized buffer. Other constructions are possible
auto pbuffer = alloc.construct(l, 0);

Since buffers are polymorphic objects, allocators return smart pointers to base classes of the actual object (the exact base class returned depends on the allocator).

Retrieving the Wrapped Tensor

Until TensorWrapper is fleshed out we anticipate that users will need to unwrap the buffer somewhat regularly. We propose that this is done by:

// Get a pointer to a buffer object we want to unwrap
auto pbuffer = make_buffer();

// Declare the allocator for the appropriate backend, here we use the TADist
// allocator
TADist alloc(pbuffer->runtime());

// This call will create a DistributedBuffer with TA as the backend by
// copying *pbuffer. Moving *pbuffer would (potentially) avoid the copy
auto converted = alloc.construct(*pbuffer);

Generally speaking, conversions work best if the layout of the input buffer is also supported by the output buffer. If the layouts are not compatible it is left up to the allocator how to deal with this.

Working with Distributed Buffers

DistributedBuffer extends the Buffer class to the scenario when the underlying Buffer object has data potentially distributed across multiple processes.

auto dist_buffer = get_buffer();

// Gets a handle to the part of the distributed buffer which is local to
// the current process
LocalBuffer my_buffer = dist_buffer.local_buffer();

// Gets a handle to a part of the distributed buffer whose state is not
// local to the current process. N.B. this does NOT make the data local
// yet. We do assume that every process knows how to do this with no
// communication though (chips work too)
auto shape_of_slice = get_shape_of_the_slice();
RemoteBuffer a_buffer = dist_buffer.slice(shape_of_slice);

// Actually pulls the data
auto now_its_local = a_buffer.local_buffer();

// To make the distributed buffer replicated
auto rep_alloc = dist_buffer.allocator().rebind<ReplicatedBuffer>();
auto preplicated = rep_alloc.construct(std::move(dist_buffer));

We note that DistributedBuffer objects will have Nested shapes. The outer layer of the shape will describe the block boundaries so that users can avoid choosing slices/chips that cross said boundaries.

Other Buffer Methods

Once you have a Buffer basic operations include:

auto buffer = get_buffer();

// Get the shape, symmetry, or sparsity of the buffer
auto shape    = buffer.shape();
auto symmetry = buffer.symmetry();
auto sparsity = buffer.sparsity();

// Request slices and chips
auto a_slice = buffer.slice(shape);
auto a_chip  = buffer.chip(shape);

The expression layer (see Designing the Expression Component) results in a concrete syntax tree (CST). TensorWrapper will convert the CST into an abstract syntax tree (AST), which is then passed to the backend via:

// Somehow get the buffer the result will be assigned to
auto buffer = get_buffer();

// Get the AST, which is an OpGraph object
auto graph = get_op_graph();

// Use the AST to update the buffer's state accordingly


Wrapping other tensor libraries.

For each tensor backend we define one or more buffers. Each buffer derives from the TensorWrapper buffer type which best summarizes the storage strategy of the backend.

Type erasure

The Buffer class is a common base class for all components of the Buffer component. Passing objects via the Buffer base class type-erases the backend.

Data location

In the design of the buffer component, we derive several classes including: LocalBuffer, OnDemandBuffer, and DistributedBuffer, which represent the storage strategy of the backend. Additional classes can be added as needed to, for example, distinguish between buffers living in RAM versus on the GPU.

On demand data

The OnDemandBuffer class has been introduced to cover this consideration.

Asynchronous support

The FutureBuffer class template has been introduced to cover this consideration.

Basic operations

The example APIs given demonstrate how basic operations may be performed.